IceBox Remote, Ad Skipping

Started by GreyNomad, January 31, 2025, 03:28:08 PM

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Is there a way to control the start of the ad skipping function? I feel that the skipping starts, perhaps, a little too soon and I feel that the last second of the program is cut off. When the skipping is finished I usually see the last second (or so) of the skipped ad and that's quite OK.

It would also be good if station promotions were skipped too. However, I appreciate that these may be difficult to determine.


Daniel Hall at IceTV

Hi Russell,

There are no user configurable options for ad skip, so it's unlikely that something like this is possible to be implemented.




I too have often thought the skipper is a bit trigger happy at the start of the skip. It would be nice if the program playback ran for say two or three more seconds before the skip.

From my investigations there doesn't seem to be a relevant parameter in the Comskip configuration options. To adjust the start of the skip would require changing the start of each skip interval in whichever of the .edl (time in seconds) or .txt (time in frames (1/25th second)) files is used by the player to perform the skips. So after a recording is finished and Comskip has done its thing and identified the start and end of each skip interval a new process (script?) could be run that reads in the .edl or .txt file and adds some value to the start time/frame of each skip interval.

Anyone looking for a scripting challenge?

Ultimately it would be nice if this offset (the skip start delay) was defined in the IceBox config gui.
