The 1 Per Cent Club

Started by NBOSTI, June 29, 2024, 10:44:43 PM

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This has been brought up before as to different shows, ...Australia vs ...UK.
I have both set as series recordings, first runs only.
 For the last 2 weeks at least (could be more), they show up on My Week a day or so before and as the Australia series, when on watching they have been the UK.
Also as first runs. Last weeks episode (UK) that recorded was a repeat.
I will admit that I may have watched that episode before on catch up TV, so could be wrong in that.
But the naming and differentiating between the 2 versions is not picked up correctly, or 7 is playing usual games.


Hi there Nbosti,

This is one of those strange shows we have which the systems confuses due to the two separate versions. It needs to be corrected on the day of airing otherwise it switches between the two. I will make a note for it to be changed to the correct version on Wednesday afternoon, prior to its airing that evening.



IceTV Guide Team Leader