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Tuners that work

Started by NBOSTI, May 04, 2024, 10:02:20 PM

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A bit later on this topic, but I can confirm that as MD mentioned, the eyetv diversity stick will only show as 1 tuner on ice box. Driver issues.
Only looked into this when I had conflicting schedules, over 4 networks.
So, I have a few diversity tuners, am going to test whether I can plug another into the USB side port.
If good that sould give me 4 tuners. Each capable of recording all network channels? Correct?


I doubt that multiple eyetv diversity USB tuners would cause any problems - I have 4 xBox one tuners on my BYOB and it does not cause any problems (that I am aware of).
IceTV: IceBox + BYOB IceBox + 2xTRF-2400 + 2xTF7100HDPVRtPlus + SKIPPA [RIP] + T2 + U4 + V2
No IceTV: a few Toppys and T2
Synology NAS
Check out the oztoppy wiki and oztoppy Forum for Toppy help


Now that I think back on the EyeTV set up, in the settings I had to specify whether I wanted to use it as dual tuner or in Diversity mode (basically boosting the signal).
So it is not surprising that it will only be seen as a single tuner on the IceBox.
I will just purchase another USB tuner from IceTV, save the cabling mess. Those EyeTV tuners will be around for, and if, I want to play around setting up BYOB.