BUG - Opera TV menu option not working correctly.

Started by warkus, October 05, 2015, 05:01:01 PM

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Hi IceTV,

I have found that repeated use (going in and out) of opera TV seems to kill the menu option.

In simple terms, if you go into the Opera TV store via the menu button rather than the APP button, it works for the first or second time you go in, and subsequent times it seems to just drop you straight back to live TV.

When this occurs however, the APP button on the remote still works though, pressing that goes straight into Opera TV, but still the menu option jumps straight back to live TV until the unit is rebooted.

It's not a biggie, just something I've noticed.



Heh, I think I did that the other day too..

Was having other issues but didn't think much of it.. Sounds like a second time around bug..

Dave at IceTV

The Skippa seems to remember all of the menus you've been through to get to where you currently are. Then each time you press Exit it takes back to the previous menu. Not sure how many steps it can remember or if it's caching each menu.

Customer Service