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Nine HD Info

Started by zoszos68, August 05, 2009, 02:22:05 PM

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I have noticed something via the ota Guide in Melbourne (I know you can't use it but it may help in investigating this issue).

What I have noticed is the 9HD guide will not be simulcast from 6:30pm Sunday 9th. Its all unique programming 24/7 not even the news is simulcast.

So this leaves me with an incorrect guide if this is so. And as you will be realising as you read this anyone recording shows will be in for a shock when something else is there instead.
So either the guide needs to be blank from then or the new data entered.

Oh and if you already know and its being fixed then make sure we customers know as all HD programmes will have to be rescheduled.
The Nine fun continues or is that dtv as a whole?

Daniel Hall at IceTV

This sounds more like a technical problem than anything else.

From everything that has been made available for the next couple of weeks at least there will no break-away programming and Nine HD will be exactly the same as Nine.

The timing of the information you see sounds more like its the program information for the new GO! channel which launches at 6:30PM on Sunday the 9th. You should re-scan your channels if you haven't done so already as GO! is now in the channel lists and if you haven't re-scanned then you are probably seeing old information. The other explanation is that the EIT information has a had a hickup during this 'test' phase of GO!.

Either way it's nothing to worry about.



Technical hey how is that or is it the standard answer when you know better than what I can see with my own two eyes.

I'm posted for you to look into not pass the buck to technical. The over the air guide as I said is different for 9HD from 6:30 PM Sunday.
Unless Nine change it before then I will assume it to be changing and recording all In 9sd till someone at Nine or you at ice get your act into gear.

Yes I'm annoyed but passing the buck to technical is not the way to treat your customers.
If I could post a screen cap I would (I would have to boot up Windows 7 as Vist does not show ota guide plus I don't know how to post a picture here.)

You or I could ring them but I will give you time to actually check.

Edit no its not go programming I see Seinfeld 8pm weekdays Bewitched,Jeanie, Big Bang Theory from the start 4 in a row etc etc none of the new shows they have announced in there press releases. So something is going on at Nine.
I know some things wrong but don't tell me it's technical before checking I am a customer who pays remember.

Daniel Hall at IceTV

Hi Kevin,

I am from the technical team here at IceTV hence why I posted as while I do believe what you are seeing, it sounds like a teething issue with the launch of GO! from the network itself rather than the fact that Nine HD is going to have a completely separate line up from that time.



Quote from: Daniel Hall on August 05, 2009, 02:56:20 PM
Hi Kevin,

I am from the technical team here at IceTV hence why I posted as while I do believe what you are seeing, it sounds like a teething issue with the launch of GO! from the network itself rather than the fact that Nine HD is going to have a completely separate line up from that time.

Ok shall one of us ring them they Nine will know the answer I'm willing to ring if you wont.

Edit I can calm down but to miss all shows because neither of us bothered to check would be annoying not to mention all the other customers.
I only wanted to help if I'm allowed.

Daniel Hall at IceTV

We thank you for your feedback and will monitor this situation. The guide team are aware of what you have posted.

As I said everything we have received so far strongly suggests that the EIT data you are seeing is incorrect (which is not uncommon).



Ok I was excited as the programming was good. But its Nine and I got my hopes up :-[.
Not to worry back to reality and how Nine is lol.

Oh I checked my stb on the main tv but it was no help as it's very slow to update the epg info (ota) to the box.
Its a cheapy no Name hd stb.

Only other difference was it would not show the GO promo till I rescanned and set favourites again. But on Vista it was there (though the old Nine Guide channel name).

Also Vista has here in Melbourne the Channel name as "Nine GO"
Have heard elsewhere its GO!

The fun of dtv and new channels.


I just rescanned my TV just to get the update of channel info and the over the air guide...   ...And I'm not getting any info at all for any of Nines stations...   ...I'm also guessing that it's just all part of this new launch...   ...Nine's website does say to give them a call if you're having any troubles...   ...but I can't be bothered...   ...I'll wait for the IceTV guide...