anyway to purge all remote recordings

Started by wortzaroo, April 01, 2009, 08:20:07 PM

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Hi I have setup my topfield tf7100 with ice tv and for interactive. I am receiving the guide just fine and can check status with the icetv servers which works ok, however after it says connection is fine it flashes up something quickly about 60 minutes. I think this is a remote recording i tried to do when i first set it up. Since then no matter what i do i cant send remote recordings to my pvr. is there any way i can just clear all recordings and start again?

I have tried factory reset on my pvr to no avail too, i think it something on the Internets end not the pvr.


Are you giving it enough time to get from ICE TV to the PVR?   

The Topfield will only check for new/updated recordings on the ICE TV website approximately every 60 minutes.  You can check the time the Topfield last checked for recordings by going into the "My Account" section of ICE TV and look towards the top of the page where it will say "Your last EPG fetch was on.....".

Have you also tried the "Resend all recordings" option on ICETV to see if that resends everything?