Error with recordings

Started by miles, July 29, 2008, 09:38:56 PM

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I have a weird issue that has been happening for months, and I just haven't got to the bottom of.

I'm using icetv/eyetv on a dedicated Mac Mini. If I manually hit 'record' prior to a show, it records fine, and appears in recordings. If I use remote record, and set up a series or one off recording, it shows as scheduled, it appears as a recording in Recordings, but when I press play, it comes up with a dialog box to say 'This recording is unplayable. The recording file does not contain any data.'

See the attached screengrab.

It only happens if I used the desktop widget on another Mac, or the IceTV website. Hitting record manually works, but that's not an ideal solution. :(

Any thoughts or suggestions, anyone?




An unplayable recording is something that Elgato can only fix unfortunately. It might be worth asking the same question on the Elgato forum:

Are you running the latest version of EyeTV (version 2.5.2 for EyeTV 2 users)?

If not, it can be downloaded here:


Thanks Marc, I guessed that'd be the case.

Yes, running 2.5.2, so it's not as easy as an old software issue. :(

Will post over at elgato...

