Top Gear Australia

Started by jashall, May 11, 2009, 08:43:41 PM

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Thanks very much Ice Tv.

I checked my recordings tonight at 6.30pm and sure enough the new series of Top Gear was scheduled to record. Then as reported elsewhere in this forum the point about this being Top Gear Australia was made. Ice Tv obviously then updated this show's information re-titling it to Top Gear Australia.

Well surprise surprise my scheduled ice tv update of guide listings (default) at 7.00pm changed this detail pertaining to the name of this show and my scheduled recording I had previously checked didn't happen. Thanks very much. I have now missed it, yer I know some will think I'm mad for wanting to watch it.

Maybe Ice Tv could consider this in future.


Sadly I have to agree with the OP in this case - the change in the guide was made way too late and meant that those of us who had scheduled it using the listing for Top Gear ended up caught out!
In this case I think it would have been better to leave it as it was given the change could not be made with sifficient notice
Beyonwiz V2: 4 HDTV Tuners, 16gb SD + unRaid 10TB NAS + IceTV Skippa (for old times sake - make me an offer and it's yours!)
Beyonwiz V2: 2 HDTV Tuners - spare


Also not happy about the top gear change, day 1 of trial and 4th program scheduled to record doesn't work, not happy Jan, hope this is not what to expect on a regular basis.

Time will tell i guess!

Madeleine IceGuide

Point taken. This was a late amendment and could have gone either way. However, we received via email a few complaints over the weekend about the "wrong" version being scheduled and unwanted recordings being set, which lead to the program being amended first thing this morning (as you can see by the time of Tracey's post here

We do advise that subscribers update their guide at 1pm AEST each day. This will catch any late amendments, corrections and changes. At the same time it will avoid the potential problem of checking something at 6 pm, thinking it's fine and then being caught unawares by a change because the guide hasn't been scheduled to update until 7pm.


Yer but some of us don't have computers on until we come home from work. I know we can set up wake on Lan etc but maybe we don't want to or have issues with that. If an update is scheduled for 1pm and it doesn't do it then will it subsequently update at first chance once the pc is on or does it wait until 1pm again?


Sorry, also you said you had complaints about unwanted recording due to the misinformation. Can I ask what unscheduled recordings? If it was called Top Gear and you had that scheduled and the show only airs on Monday night that I'm aware of then where do the unscheduled recordings come from? Too many people with too much time on their hands and worrying about pointless things like whether something was called Top Gear or Top Gear Australia. Bit of an ordinary excuse in my opinion.

Anyway if you had done your job we pay you for and updated the programming in due time I would have realised the show wasn't scheduled to record when I checked and fixed accordingly.

Madeleine IceGuide

We received complaints about recordings being set incorrectly from people who record the original UK version, Top Gear, but don't wish to record the Australian version, Top Gear Australia. SBS has the rights to both shows and the UK version will be on again next month, thus we need to distinguish between the two programs.

Yes, the error should have been picked up earlier, I acknowledge that. However, as previously mentioned, this was updated first thing Monday morning. By checking at 6.30pm and then not updating your guide until 7pm, you were checking via a guide that had not been updated for 24 hours and thus was missing any recent amendments, including the one that had been made about 9 hours earlier. 


Fair enough I released after my post there might have been people not wanting to record Top Gear Australia. Still would have been better to have people record shows that they didn't want and avoid people like myself missing it altogether, then rectify the naming issue afterwards in time for next week.

I think the point has been made.


Yeah, I got home late tonight wondering if the auto-deletion had gone thru (as I noticed the red dot disappeared in the Widget during the day), given I think Top Gear was the first timer for tonight to wake up the Beyonwiz.   Luckily I set the timers also at 4am on my Topfield 5K and that still has Top Gear in the prefs to record it, and re-setup a NEW series record in the Widget for the Wiz.   It was after reading the thread about someone moaning about the prog name that I wondered if it would break my series link or not.  I think, just like repeat flags, it is best to err on the side of caution and have an accidental recording rather than NO recording (I personally don't have such a beef against Top Gear Australia.   Sure, it isn't Top Gear UK, but still funny to watch the train-wreck copy of the UK show anyway!).
So ICE, in future please, think of the people who want to watch shows, rather than the people who don't.   It is easy to delete something off the HDD, but not so easy to drag a show out of thin air because it was a first run and you marked it as a repeat, or you had a series recording setup that you knew was going to get a recording going for the night and find that ICE has changed the series name and thus broken the series recording.

ICE, please, I tell people on the Wiz forums all the time that Interactive is the bees-knees and I never have any problems with it.    If incidents like this keep happening, I can't lie to people about your great service.
You weren't so quick to change the name of a National News program a while ago, citing it would break any series recordings that people have for it, but did this one in a heart beat, I don't think it was the right thing to do, certainly not on the day of the show.


Beyonwiz DP-S1 & Topfield 5K (using PerlTGD to upload ICE EPG/timers for the 5K, normal ICE interactive for the Wiz).

Madeleine IceGuide

Yes, in retrospect those who recorded something they didn't want could have simply deleted it later, while changing it this morning has obviously created some problems for people who didn't catch the amendment. 

Our apologies for that. We have taken the criticism on board and will try to be more careful about things like this in the future.

Also, not quite the same thing I know, but SBS does post full episodes of some shows on its website. Top Gear Australia's latest episode doesn't appear to be on the list yet but it's worth checking the site tomorrow.


Of course another solution is to improve your keyword setup scheme to have more choices including blocking repeats etc, then everyone can be happy.   Those that want "Top Gear" (anything) simply has that as a keyword, those that want a specific one can setup a normal series record.
I guess the changing of the News channel name is a slightly different scenario in that it is still the news, where as here we do have a different series, and thus series recording ultimately I suppose if we were to understand it to the letter (where is that letter by the way, it is hard to know exactly how the ICE interactive voodoo works with no public specs on it... a bit like Freeview really hehehe) means two different series recording preferences, one for TGUK and one for TGA...   just make the changes a week or greater in advance of the actual show please :-).

Beyonwiz DP-S1 & Topfield 5K (using PerlTGD to upload ICE EPG/timers for the 5K, normal ICE interactive for the Wiz).