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Messages - zoszos68

IceTV EPG Content / Re: 7HD Sydney
November 09, 2007, 11:29:10 PM
After reading the above I can only laugh.

I don,t know your sources but please change them as there so wrong.
The more I read these forums the more I wonder what's GOING ON AT IceTv.

Oh and as I said in my other post re guide data I don't care what you do if don't like what I am saying.
Free speech will not be silenced.
Quote from: goldcoastguy on November 06, 2007, 02:25:53 AM
So why put incorrect information into the HD guide?

Why not just leave it blank?

For example, tonight The Practice will NOT be in HD, yet it is listed as such.

I'm not sure where you get your guide information, but it is currently inaccurate.

Evan :->

I agree with the above statement and the following is my opinion.

I believe That the Seven HD Guide data that is different should be listed as unknown as putting in the wrong data (like for example Boston Legal) is so wrong wrong wrong.

I do understand there are legal reasons why you do some things but this time I cant see what reason you have for putting in wrong data.
Where are you getting the info that says that theses shows on Seven HD will be in HD.
nowhere of course as its impossible as Seven themselves even say this to be the case.

You may not like what I am saying but we live in A country of free speech and also I pay for your guide (the only one I can pay for for that matter) and want a service that is as accurate as possible and in this case you are not doing your job.

If you can give me a valid reason for why the Seven HD data is wrong (which I believe there is no reason) then let me hear.

So I wait for some answer or to see as should be the case unknown when the Seven HD is different.
And if you don't like what I say then do whatever I like a challenge.
Hi again
          Yes all fixed but still one less hour of rage lol
Hi IceTv
           My ABC is out by an hour here in Melbourne.
All others are ok.
Thought might be Daylight Savings related but not sure can you check
Thanks Zos
I check Remote Record and you can choose first run or first run and rerun.
Same works in Media Centre.

So what your using will help.
What are you using to record with i.e Media Center or what brand of stb etc that will help answer it better.

I have the Bill set to record series just the new ones ok in Vista Media Center (except that sometimes the weekday eps are listed a first runs).

I will look now to see if remote record can do it the way you want.
I just scanned in Melbourne due to adding a signal amplifier. (bad area for tv where I am).
Still Channel 10 is the same.
Also anyone knno a link to this change did a search last night and the only thing found on the change was the IceTV site. IceTV site. I think I know that place :D
At least I'm not alone with the startup shortcut pointing wrong, wrong icon and wrong name.
Needs fixing for others who don't know so much asap.
Done and same problem seems like a bug/problem. Will just manual fix shortcut for now and see if others have the problem or it's just me.
Done and same problem last try will try manual remove of reg entries from hklm and hkcu./
Just finished install after reboot and the same wrong shortcut it even is named pimp my mce. I uninstalled via control panel as most would do. I will now try the uninstall programme to see if that makes a a difference.

Edit: Just realised the uninstall programme is a reg remover only so will uninstall via control panel run reg remover reboot reinstall then let you know the results.
I did remove the old first and got the wrong startup shortcut. I will try removing the new one now and install again and see what happens.
hi the new Ice TV Interactive Vista version startup shortcut points to "C:\Program Files\IceTV\IceTV Interactive\IceTV.exe" which does not exsist. I found the correct file name "IceTV Interactive.exe".

But for most I would think would have no idea. So hopefully it will be fixed for others soon.

By the way I did remove the shortcut reinstall (repair) and the shortcut reappeared wit the the wrong destination. Unless my reg has stored it then theirs a problem.

Edit: Just noticed uninstall programme is to remove reg entries only but will uninstall and run reg entries remove programme then reinstall.
Windows Media Center / ABC HD Guide Problems
April 08, 2007, 01:44:51 PM
I had the Guide working ok but had to re upgrade Vista but when going to set up the guide again I could not change ABC HDTV to ABC HD from the list as it was not an option anymore (where did it go).

I did do a manual edit of the name type it in but when checking to see if any (well the west wing as that's about the only show in HD for ABC HD) data is there and still nothing.

So should a manual typing of the the name work and if it should any idea why i get no data and if not how do I get it back in the list so I can choose it.

I have unistalled pimp reinstalled etc a few time all to no avail.
Windows Media Center / Re: SBS 2 Digital and Vista RTM
February 09, 2007, 01:34:31 PM
Quote from: jatho on February 08, 2007, 09:00:24 AM
I'm in brisbane postcode 4066, using vista ultimate, pimp installed, ice installed... update workaround done.

Problem is - SBS is not being detected [any SBS channels] It seems that the guide data may be available for SBS since it gives me the option to assign SBS data to other channels in the "assign guide data to channels". But the problem is SBS is not listed as a channel.

Any ideas - is this a tuner problem, a vista problem or an ice problem?


Strange I don't get SBS(UHF 29 Melbourne) either when scanning in mc Vista.  I do however get SBS on the set top box for the tv.

I am lucky though as the part of Melbourne I am in (Dromana) has a translator (Safety Beach) on the higher UHF frequencies which it can scan of the back of the antenna.

The antenna should point the other way to the local transmitter but it's a rented flat so haven't had a good chance to get on the roof. The antenna has probably been up long before the translators where built.

I will soon try the Dvico (my tv card) software to see if it gets SBS Melbourne.