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Topics - zoszos68

IceTV EPG Content / The Bill not a repeat
February 26, 2009, 06:33:45 PM
I see "The Bill" ABC1 Melbourne Saturday night is listed as a repeat. I assume its not a repeat as it has been on nearly every Saturday night without a repeat for over 20 years ;).
So just letting you know as I do manual check but for others who don't you can fix it.

IceTV EPG Content / AFL Ten Sat Night Vic
February 11, 2009, 10:29:46 AM
I have heard and thought Id let you know (can't confirm yet) that Saturday Nights AFL game in Vic may be the local game from Telstra Dome. Due to the bushfires here the the game was meant to be in Darwin but has been moved to Telstra Dome (soon to be Etihad Stadium) and has been allowed on FTA thanks to Foxtel being nice. I cant think of the teams playing off the top of my head but they are two local teams.

Thought I'd keep you informed.
IceTV EPG Content / Stateline has wrong state
February 11, 2009, 10:19:03 AM
I get the Melbourne guide and have noticed Stateline on ABC1 has Stateline listed as NSW well its the Vic version. I did check the online ice guide and it has NSW as well and I have the Melbourne settings.
IceTV EPG Content / SBS Name Changes
February 01, 2009, 04:27:49 PM
Was rescanning my channels today and notice here in Melbourne thats SBS has new channels names.
They are: SBS1 = SBS SD (3)
              SBSHD = SBS HD (30)
              SBS2 = SBS World News (as far as I can see) (32)
              SBS3 = SBS SD (33)
              SBS4 = SBS SD (34)

I know that the SBS2 has Worlds News content so far, so most likey no need to change your name for it, but do you know if it will have new content and will you change it's name etc.
And if you did not know then I'm glad to have helped.

Edit: It seems you did know as when I added the guide data/renamed the channels SBS2 was my only logical choice to use and it worked giving me the correct data. I have no idea how long this change has been about. Should search web/here in future first.
I was checking the synopsis for next Saturdays "Bill" episode on ABC1 to see it marked as a repeat.
As all the new ones are on Saturday at 8:30PM (give or take a few minutes) this would have to be a new episode.
I did check the Tuesday ABC2 repeat of Saturdays to see it listed correctly.
Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Hi IceTv
           My ABC is out by an hour here in Melbourne.
All others are ok.
Thought might be Daylight Savings related but not sure can you check
Thanks Zos
hi the new Ice TV Interactive Vista version startup shortcut points to "C:\Program Files\IceTV\IceTV Interactive\IceTV.exe" which does not exsist. I found the correct file name "IceTV Interactive.exe".

But for most I would think would have no idea. So hopefully it will be fixed for others soon.

By the way I did remove the shortcut reinstall (repair) and the shortcut reappeared wit the the wrong destination. Unless my reg has stored it then theirs a problem.

Edit: Just noticed uninstall programme is to remove reg entries only but will uninstall and run reg entries remove programme then reinstall.
Windows Media Center / ABC HD Guide Problems
April 08, 2007, 01:44:51 PM
I had the Guide working ok but had to re upgrade Vista but when going to set up the guide again I could not change ABC HDTV to ABC HD from the list as it was not an option anymore (where did it go).

I did do a manual edit of the name type it in but when checking to see if any (well the west wing as that's about the only show in HD for ABC HD) data is there and still nothing.

So should a manual typing of the the name work and if it should any idea why i get no data and if not how do I get it back in the list so I can choose it.

I have unistalled pimp reinstalled etc a few time all to no avail.