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Messages - chuck_2330

SKIPPA / Re: What is my best option now?
October 16, 2015, 01:23:56 PM
Great news about IceGuide! Makes me think longingly about my wife's Skippa sitting in UEC's warehouse :'(
SKIPPA / Re: IceTv in Voluntary Administarion
October 08, 2015, 01:18:30 PM
Really very sad. I feel for Dave and all the staff at IceTV. I've subscribed to IceGuide since 2007 and had ordered a Skippa for my wife for her birthday, saying that I had a surprise for her. I'll have to come up with something else now!
Like others, I have initiated a Paypal dispute but have yet to escalate it to a claim. Should I wait or go straight to a claim?
There really is no chance of a buyout?

BTW, I never received an email and only found out about it in an article on SMH.