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Messages - EdQld

SKIPPA / Re: What are your Skippa plans?
October 23, 2015, 09:17:13 PM
I just finished setting up my new PVR9600 ($168 DSE special) and very happy with the look & feel of it, here's hoping for a reliable experience and ongoing f/w support from NAS Australia, the new distributor

Ready to put my Skippa on eBay I think, not sure of what price I should put on it yet

My Unit works well but I'm not happy to pay a monthly IceTV EPG subscription after having paid for the Skippa with a included Lifetime subscription for the IceTV EPG   >:(

SKIPPA / Re: Ch9 missing from my tomorrows Guide
October 20, 2015, 08:36:54 PM
Thanks Paul55 & Dave, I will follow your helpful advice to sort this out  ;D
SKIPPA / Re: Ch9 missing from my tomorrows Guide
October 20, 2015, 05:33:12 PM
Thanks John, Yes I'm on the Gold Coast and I just checked and see Ch9 is now there, NBN9 is still "unavailable" for the Gold Coast, although I never use them,
others on the Gold Coast might

By the way, sometimes when I select a Series Recording it wants to record the show from both the NBN9 & GC Ch9 (that I usually use), is there any way to stop such
doubling up?

Thank You

SKIPPA / Ch9 missing from my tomorrows Guide
October 19, 2015, 07:47:07 PM
I updated to the latest f/w via USB, but this afternoon when checking the TV Guide on the Skippa,  tomorrows Ch9 just shows "unavailable"

I can switch to Ch9 to view it OK and under Settings > Channels Ch9 shows up OK as well

Tried reloading the IceTV Guide just before, but Ch9 still shows as "unavailable" for tomorrows programs

anyone else come across this?

Anyway to fix it?
General Discussions / Re: IceTV Resurrected
October 16, 2015, 12:52:35 PM
That is Great News Dave and good to see you are back employed with IceTV  :D

I hope the new Skippa f/w will be released soon to fix the recent bugs
General Discussions / Re: Thanks and farwell
October 14, 2015, 05:24:29 PM
My introduction to IceTV has been brief, with the purchase of the Skippa, which now looks like being an expensive paperweight  :'(

Thanks to David and the other IceTV employees who have done their best to keep things going, all the best for the future  ;)

Regards, Ed

SKIPPA / Re: IceTv in Voluntary Administarion
October 14, 2015, 02:49:08 PM
Mark tried to use the PVR9600's f/w on the Skippa without luck, but perhaps all might not be lost, Altech UEC's next Unit might
have the same internals/SOC as the Skippa and we can then use it's f/w to get our Skippa's running again?

In the meantime we need to keep the Skippa alive in the Media and associated with the manufacturer, Altech UEC, to encourage them
to provide us with a f/w update to give the Skippa access to the FTA EPG

I just don't want to end up with a permanent, expensive paperweight
SKIPPA / Re: IceTv in Voluntary Administarion
October 12, 2015, 05:26:40 PM
I also voted yes, but like most that is conditional to the Skippa f/w being supported.

I would want a fully functional Skippa, including Ad Skipping, which I quite liked, when it was working   ;)
SKIPPA / Re: IceTv in Voluntary Administarion
October 09, 2015, 02:25:29 AM
Quote from: Dave at IceTV on October 08, 2015, 11:22:12 PM
Quote from: EdQld on October 08, 2015, 10:55:21 PM
Dave, if the plug is pulled, is there any chance of a f/w upgrade that will give the Skippa access to FTA EPG?

That is the plan. We all own Skippas ourselves and don't want them to become doorstoppers either.

Thanks for the positive reply Dave

I  feel sorry for all the employees at IceTV, must be very stressful, facing an uncertain future
SKIPPA / Re: IceTv in Voluntary Administarion
October 08, 2015, 10:55:21 PM
Dave, if the plug is pulled, is there any chance of a f/w upgrade that will give the Skippa access to FTA EPG?
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Bug
September 26, 2015, 02:33:22 PM
Although my Skippa has automatic updates selected, when I manually checked for updates I found there was a newer f/w available (from 1.1.10515 to 1.1.10579), so I did the update

Next I scheduled a 2 single programs to Record, one 5 mins and the other 10 mins in advance of the current time, Eureka my first successful recordings are happening  ;D

Both programs show on the "My WeeK" Web interface, but did not make it to the Skippa "My Week", But they are recording  ;)

Now the sync issue, funny solution, the 2 that were missing from Skippa "My Series" just also vanished from the Web version  ???  OK, David Attenborough Life Story was one of these, so I again set it to record as a Series Recording (1st Episode only) and it is back on the Web, but not the Skippa "My Series" folders

I had previously set a few Movies to also record tonight, so I will see how they go, hopefully the non-recording bug has been sorted for my Skippa
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Bug
September 26, 2015, 11:48:52 AM
No response in the Forum or to my Support email with my Skippa failing to record shows or the sync problem, disappointing  :'(
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Bug
September 25, 2015, 10:59:00 PM
Now this is getting Very frustrating  >:(

Yesterday a Series Recording failed to record and tonight a Movie failed to record (they both show up on "My Week", both PC & Skippa (with "R" in front of their names)

A PVR that doesn't record shows, not what you want to see  :'(

SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Bug
September 25, 2015, 05:02:37 PM
Issues with my Skippa:

* 1st attempt of a Series Recording (setup via PC) failed to record, even though the show was listed under "My  Series" & "My Week" , large red "R" in front of shows name (in both PC & Skippa)

* Syncing problem, after setting up Series Recording on my PC they show under "My Series" on the PC (5 shows) but 2 shows failed to show on the Skippa "My Series" (only 3 shows)

* Yes, Remote is sluggish and I had a few minutes where it refused to change the Channels (LED indicated a signal was received by the Skippa)

SKIPPA / Re: Skippa User Experience so far
September 25, 2015, 04:28:10 PM
The manual p47 "General Settings",  states to set your Region, but no such option appears here?