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Messages - Leon K

SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
July 03, 2015, 12:36:26 PM
Quote from: snuke on July 02, 2015, 10:57:44 PM
Yeah, I am sure all those that paid $449 last week are just ecstatic that they have the same deal for $399.

We have already contacted these customers and have upgraded them.
SKIPPA / Re: firmware update
July 01, 2015, 09:16:11 AM
Hey kevingaus,

The Skippa will ship with the latest firmware,

However for future firmware updates, you have the choice between Online updates and USB updates.

Both are very simple, the default is for automatic Online updates - allowing your Skippa to automatically check for new firmware releases and update as soon as one is available, seamlessly keeping your Skippa up to date.

If you prefer to update manually via USB, it's a simple plug-in & select 'update' from the menu.
Hi Mister_Bimbo,

Quote from: mister_bimbo on June 26, 2015, 01:00:53 PM
If I start fiddling around with the naming as you have suggested, then I think that the "Bedroom" device will get renumbered and will no longer accept recordings. I know that IceTV is moving to a different interface, and so maybe the way forward here is just to bite the bullet and tediously accept having to update stuff manually ... at least until I replace the P1.

If you follow the steps I listed above it will preserve the numbering of the devices, so the issue with the P1/P2 sometimes taking "device 1" timers and having to assign a blank device to prevent that, will persist too.

Quote from: mister_bimbo on June 29, 2015, 09:09:16 AM

One further question: you've answered with a suggested process, but implied in your answer is that creating (or recreating) a device as would happen during a setup (or resetup) process does not erase the series recordings that are attached to that device.  Is this correct..? I'm expecting that at some point I will have to resetup the T4 and I'm curious as to how the attached recordings would behave when the device is "reinitialized" with the T4 widget (I am keeping in mind that with the P1/P2, I was prompted for which device I was using from a drop down menu).

I've pulled this from the setup page:

The setup wizard will automatically assign the device Label of "Beyonwiz T4" or "Beyonwiz T3". Changing the device label is optional and can be changed later. If you are replacing an existing device from My Recorders with the Beyonwiz you can press OK on Label and use the on-screen keyboard to replace the name "Beyonwiz T4" or “Beyonwiz T3” with your device’s name as the Label. If you make a typo the system will create a new device in your account so make sure that you enter your existing device's name exactly as it is in your IceTV account under My Recorders. When done, use the green button to save the change.

This way you can preserve recordings for that device (you can also use this process to simplify the process I listed above).
Topfield / Re: Device Type Unrecognisable
June 28, 2015, 01:20:23 PM
Quote from: cabentley on June 26, 2015, 08:36:33 PM
I have been using my Topfield 2400 and IceTV for a long time now and enjoy using it except when it decides to have a glitch every now and then. So a week ago the topfield stopped receiving icetv guide and my recordings. I've done various resends and checking everything. Tonight I thought I would start again and do a factory reset etc but I noticed that when I enabled icetv it has as the device type - None. It is not coming up with my Topfield. Any suggestions please? 

Hi cabentley,

It looks like your device hasn't logged into IceTV since 2015-06-09, the most likely cause of this is the Topfield not having internet access. Please follow the steps below to re-connect it:

Are you using a WIFI dongle (wireless connection) or an ethernet cable (wired connection) to connect to your router?

Re-enable the Network:

- Choose your WIRED/WIRELESS LAN connection type. (Skip to the * Below if using WIRED)
- Select AP list and press OK. A list of available networks will be shown, then select your personal network.
- Enter the pre-shared key which is also known as your network password. (Note: Network password must be exactly the same as your router setting including Upper/Lower case and any numbers used)
- Press OK.
*- Now highlight Activate and change to ON.
- A successful connection will populate all the IP settings and the Level/Quality bars on the TV screen will show a high percentage level. If the fields are not populated check the password and any security settings.
Quote from: prl on June 26, 2015, 02:12:29 PM
With multiple devices, even if you want to transfer the shows rather than copy them, using My Week on the second old device is a good way to transfer current shows and having the ability to transfer the others at a more leisurely pace using Manage Shows.

Yes that certainly makes it more manageable and leisurely - you could also change the Device name under Manage Shows to show only Series set for the Old Device and gradually update them from there - they will be removed from the Old Device list so that you're left with only the Series that are still on that Old device and still need to be moved of course.. But I think you knew that already!
Beyonwiz / Re: Missing EPG data WMC vs Beyonwiz
June 26, 2015, 02:01:09 PM
Hi MoDementia,

We send out the exact same information to all devices, it's up to the devices themselves how they use / display it.
Hey prl,

Yeah - moving Series' between Devices has to been done manually, as in: under Manage Shows clicking each series one at a time and updating the Device name to the new Device..
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa EPG Screenshot
June 26, 2015, 01:44:13 PM
Hey Everyone,

IceTV is so simple and easy to use from the Phone App - the whole power of IceTV centers around setting recordings directly from the App EPG, or even better - building up your Series' under Manage Shows so that these shows are automatically discovered for you - and sent directly to the PVR, so that you don't ever have to use the EPG.

Relaxing on your couch, watching a show and having your IceTV App open in the palm of your hand you can easily see what's next / later on tonight. Why bother using the clunky PVR EPG? Surely the whole reason for using a PVR is for the recording functionality, meaning that most of the shows you will be watching will have been recorded (even if they only started 10 mins ago or you are time-shifting), you can then use the streamlined App to browse the EPG.. not having to pull up and disrupt the show you are presently watching with the on-screen EPG.

The phone app also gives you access to fast Searching, Recommendations, Most Popular etc.. and you can add Series / Keywords directly from it to continue to build up your List of Series, and Shows.
Mister_Bimbo explicitly for your situation:

- Login to your account online here:
- 1st device in account is your old P2 named : "Loungeroom" -> rename to "Loungeroom 2".
- Click Save.
- Create new device during T4 setup called "Loungeroom". This will be the 2nd device in your account.
- Login to your account online again here (or refresh the page to show the new device):
- Rename the 1st device "Loungeroom 2" to "Loungeroom", and change the device type to T3.
- Rename the 2nd device ie. "Loungeroom" to "Loungeroom delete"
- Click Save.
- Delete the device "Loungeroom delete".
Hi mister_bimbo,

Yes the T3 / T4 does this to streamline the Setup of new devices so that you don't have to first login into IceTV to add a new Recorder and then link that to the PVR during the Setup.

In your instance what you can do to transfer the timers is to create the device during the setup on the T4 that you wish to use eg. "Beyonwiz T4", then login to your Recorders page here :, and then:

A working example:

- 1st device in account is your old P2 named : "Beyonwiz P2".
- Create new device during T4 setup called "Beyonwiz T4". This will be the 2nd device in your account.
- Login to your account online here:
- Rename the 1st device "Beyonwiz P2" to "Beyonwiz T4", and change the device type to T3.
- Rename the 2nd device ie. "Beyonwiz T4" to "Beyonwiz T4 delete"
- Click Save.
- Delete the device "Beyonwiz T4 delete".

All the timers and shows are now assigned to the new device name.

Hey Commsman,

Please PM me your IceTV memberID so that I can take a look at your account..

The issue may be a corrupted record in the IceTV Interactive cache, in which case it will need to be deleted:

First close the IceTV Interactive program by right-clicking on the IceTV icon on the bottom right of the screen near the time (It's a blue circle with a white X inside) then choosing Exit.

- Open "Computer" from the start menu.
- Select your hard drive from the list of drives available.
- Open the "ProgramData" folder. If you do not see this folder you will need to turn on the showing of hidden files, follow these steps to do this:
- Click on the "Organise" button in the bar at the top of the window.
- Select "Folder and Search Options" from the menu.
- Click on the "View" tab.
- Place a dot in the box marked "Show hidden files and folders".
- Click "OK".

You should now be able to see the "ProgramData" folder.

- Open the "IceTV" folder.
- Open the "Interactive" folder.
- Delete all folders there. You should see a '3.0', a '' or '' plus a few more folders
- Run IceTV Interactive again from the start menu.

If Windows asks you to give permission for IceTV Interactive to access it's folders just answer yes.
SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
June 20, 2015, 06:15:06 PM
Hi csutak40,

Please note that the Skippas advertised are both Pre-Order specials.

As per my post above - The Skippa that has been advertised, ie. the first 1,000, has come with eternal subscriptions. Both IceTV and AutoSkip.

The presently advertised Skippa, ie. units 1,001-1,500 comes with an eternal IceTV sub and a 1-year bundled AutoSkip sub.

Regarding any future offers, as noted, we are like every other vendor, and our pricing is subject to change over time.

Quote from: csutak40 on June 20, 2015, 05:54:42 PM
So, whereas previously we were told that, for the Skippa, "lifetime" means just that, not 5 years "No subscriptions, ever", that too has now been changed?

No it hasn't changed - I have updated my previous post, this post is now current.
SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
June 20, 2015, 05:15:38 PM
Quote from: qf8 on June 20, 2015, 04:04:31 PM

Can you please clarify the subscriptions.Is there two subscriptions needed?
1. Icetv EPG
2. Autoskip.
What is the price for each substription per year?
If you purchased in the first 1000 box pre order how long will each of the two subscriptions be free for?

For all Skippas sold so far and including up to the first 1,500 units, the regular IceTV Subscription will never expire, not even after 5 years. It is forever.

For the first 1,000 units, the same goes for AutoSkip - it will work forever.

For units 1,001 thru to 1,500 (our 2nd offer released on Friday June 20th) AutoSkip has a 1-year subscription bundled in free. Then it costs $39 per annum. There are also monthly and lifetime subs. Pricing is to be confirmed for these two subs.

Onwards is up to us and like every other vendor, our pricing will change over time.
SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
June 20, 2015, 03:35:31 PM
Hey Vortical,

Lucky to have grabbed one of the first 1000 Skippas so no subscriptions on that box, but any subsequent purchases will be subject to the pricing at that point in time. The subscriptions for the Skippa are linked to each individual device and are independent of one another.

Humax / Re: Iview retired on Humax
June 20, 2015, 02:53:12 PM
Hey Brian,

Yeah it's a pity about that, you'd have to ask Humax about that one:

Humax Australia Customer Support contact details:
Phone:  1300 737 937  or  03 9873 2233

They said in their press release that they will be launching another catchup service to replace it iView, so hopefully that comes out soon!

The Skippa has built in HbbTV with all the catchup channels...