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Messages - Leon K

SKIPPA / Re: Can you use FTA EPG?
September 26, 2015, 11:19:37 AM
Quote from: peteru on September 26, 2015, 04:45:20 AM
Is it possible to enable the free to air EPG as sent by the broadcasters and use the Skippa just for the ad detection?

Also, what happens if you buy a Skippa once the "offers" have expired and later decide not to pay further subscription fees? Does it mean that it will become a PVR without ad skipping and without an EPG?

Hey peteru,

SKIPPA uses only our custom IceTV guide and can not access the fta guide. As Ian rightly pointed out there is also the FreeviewPlus guide available while using the HbbTV catchup services.

SKIPPA will always have a full IceTV subscription, so you will always be able to create Series Recordings, browse the EPG, etc. If you decide to purchase without lifetime AutoSkip, it will still remain a full PVR with the EPG even once the trial of AutoSkip ends.

SKIPPA / Re: Skippa User Experience so far
September 25, 2015, 04:44:24 PM
Quote from: dooboy on September 25, 2015, 04:36:42 PM
1 - Skippa has a power button - on and standby - Tivo didn't and was always on - If I put Skippa into standby will it still record or is standby a mode you only use when you don't want anything to record? (this is what I assume but couldn't see any explanation in manual)

2 - Tivo had a button to switch between tuners - handy if you are recording on both and just want to jump back and forth - or as an easy way to flick between 2 shows - say footy and cricket with just one button press - does Skippa have this function (can't find a button to swap the tuner you are viewing)

Hey Doo,

1 - Yes SKIPPA will record in stand-by and continue to update the guide and the timer list, it will automatically wake to record shows as they are broadcast.

2 - There is no direct way to swap the tuner you are viewing, SKIPPA handles all Tuner assignment automatically, at the moment there is no shortcut button to bounce between two shows at the same time.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa User Experience so far
September 25, 2015, 04:38:53 PM
Quote from: EdQld on September 25, 2015, 04:28:10 PM
The manual p47 "General Settings",  states to set your Region, but no such option appears here?

Hey EdQld,

That was from an earlier version of the firmware, that section will be removed in the next update which is being updated right now. We will also expand on a few other section in the manual too..
General Discussions / Re: iOS 9 bug ?
September 25, 2015, 01:45:48 PM
Hey Everyone,

After updating to iOS9 please reset the app and it should load into NOW again as usual:

To reset the app:

1. Load the IceTV app.
2. Tap on Settings.
3. Tap on "Reset Application".
4. Tap "Yes" at the "Are you sure" popup.
5. The IceTV app will now re-download it's local data.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
September 14, 2015, 07:46:30 PM
Hey Guys,

Yes some SKIPPA's have been arriving over the past few weeks and dispatched, late this afternoon we got an update on our freight:

Our first mass manufactured SKIPPA shipment is still on its way via air freight. This involves a change of aircraft in Hong Kong. We still expect the entire shipment to be dispatched with tracking numbers to customers from our Sydney warehouse this week. Some customers will receive their SKIPPA this week depending on their geographic distance from Sydney.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
September 14, 2015, 02:33:39 PM
Hey All,

Here is a link to a comprehensive Skippa update as at Sep 12, 2015..

SKIPPA - TechWebCast interview with Heinz Herrmann, IceTV CEO

Hi All,

We have updated the website and you can once again schedule new recordings from My Series, which would generally be the fastest way to schedule existing series onto another device(s).

On the Android App the way to do this is via My Week -> Record show or Series on different device.

We are updating the Android app to fix the problem of the scheduled device being changed instead of added when doing this via Manage Shows (soon to be My Series too).
General Discussions / Re: windows 10
August 14, 2015, 03:24:44 PM
Another solution which would work would be to install a virtual machine such as the free Virtual Box (or the paid VMWare) on your Windows 10 Machine, and then install the Windows 7 / 8.1 on the virtual machine so that you can have that window open with Media Centre running at the same time. Slightly more work, but once its up and running its effortless. Best of both worlds.
General Discussions / Re: windows 10
August 14, 2015, 12:25:15 PM
Hi Guys,

Although Kodi (with MythTV / Media Portal) can use the Ice Guide XML, it does not have the ability to use the IceTV Smart Recording functions, and at the moment there is no plan for Smart Recording integration.

Best bet right now is to stick with Windows 7 / 8.1 if you can.. we are looking into it however, and hopefully we will have another solution for you in the coming months.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa as a networked media player?
July 21, 2015, 08:18:37 AM
Quote from: Paul55 on July 21, 2015, 07:16:43 AM
Ah!! Referring to tablets/smartphones as iPads/iPhones. Another victim of Apple's marketing. I've even seen this on the ABC!
Perhaps Android users are considered smart enough to interpret the intent.

Paul yes indeed, even the best of us fall victim to the proprietary eponym, I'm sure we've all found ourselves saying white-out, google it, jacuzzi, jet ski.. pass me an Aspirin?

But if we're really splitting hairs, a tablet IS a computer.. and all Android users should know that :)
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa as a networked media player?
July 20, 2015, 09:52:03 PM
Quote from: emmsee on July 20, 2015, 09:41:17 PM
Hey Leon,
What about Android?
Surely you won't have Skippa only support iPad off the bat.
There are many more Android devices out there than Apple!
Please clarify?

Hi emmsee,

Yes to clarify that is any brand of tablet / device that has a DLNA media player on it, not just Apple, should work fine.
SKIPPA / Re: Harmony remotes and Skippa
July 19, 2015, 04:32:53 PM
Quote from: scottn1 on July 19, 2015, 03:56:13 PM
I would like to know why the powers that be, decided the Skippa remote won't be able to control your TV's volume?
And is this likely to be changed in the future considering every other current pvr on the market can do this?

Hey Scott,

The SKIPPA remote has volume control for the SKIPPA output, so as long as you initially set your TV volume to your required level, you can then use the SKIPPA remote to control the volume from there. There is a mute button on the remote too.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Time Padding
July 19, 2015, 04:19:44 PM
Quote from: Vortical on July 18, 2015, 07:49:35 PM
  • Pressing ok while viewing a recording to jump back to the file list.
    (or at least a dedicated remote button to do this.)
  • While recording pressing the standby button on the remote or pvr will bring up a warning message but if the pvr is left alone it will power down to standby by itself.
    (Another way would be to use a sleep timer button on the remote with the first option being to power down to standby after recordings are finished followed by the various time duritions to put the pvr to standby when it's not recording.)

btw I hope there is a sleep button on the remote so the unit can go into standby automatically after a set duration as I use this feature a lot too.

Hey Vortical,

1. While watching a recording, pressing the MY REC button (My Recordings) will open the recording list and show your current playback in a picture window, pressing MY REC again takes you back to full screen of the playback.

2. You can configure the SKIPPA to automatically sleep / enter standby after a specified duration of inactivity: the shortest option is 1 hour, with the longest being 1 day of inactivity.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Time Padding
July 17, 2015, 04:14:37 PM
Hey Antony,

Quote from: Antony1965 on July 17, 2015, 04:02:37 PM
Does Skippa have time padding (buffers at either end of a recorded program. Most channels have a bad habit of not sticking to broadcast times

Yes the SKIPPA certainly has padding options - pre and post up to a maximum of 40 mins.
Hey JPP,

Yes the SKIPPA handles daylight savings completely seamlessly, you won't notice a thing..