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SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
April 21, 2015, 06:46:11 PM
Thanks for that Dave, looks like I will be jumping in for the discount :)

I'm hoping the firmware is stable and the interface is user friendly.
SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
April 20, 2015, 05:29:33 PM
Will those that pre-order get their Slippa earlier or will they have to wait for mid-late June for delivery also? the website still says available for delivery in May. I predicted last week it was looking like it was slipping again, I know this is not supports fault, but they don't even seem to have recognized this fact.

Don't get me wrong I really am looking forward to this product, but it has been a long and disappointing road so far, if Skippa is not a good media streamer with current file support then I don't even want one and my wait has been for naught. If these questions can't be answered in the next couple of weeks before the "pre-order" starts then I will be in a quandary as to buy a mystery box that has had no public beta testing, or wait even longer and pay $100 extra once the bugs are fixed and the features and specs known.

What are others thinking? will you buy one early for the discount just on the chance that it might be what you want? I suppose if it doesn't have the features I want I could flog it off easily for $300 while they are charging $500 and only lose $100.

SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
April 15, 2015, 07:56:10 AM
Thanks snuke, so I just have to wait until March and all will be revealed, that's very helpful dude :)

Do you work for IceTV snuke? or are you just a rampant fanboi? I see you posting positive support for them at Whirlpool that also offers no substance or new information.

After a VERY long break there was a flurry of posts from Dave to promote Skippa when their one page ad came online.....he answered a few questions over a period of a couple of days, but didn't tell us anything about the specs, many questions were left unanswered.

His last post on the April 3rd included "I'm not sure. I've never had 2 on the same network at the same time. I'll check it out on Tuesday." that was nearly two weeks ago and it is now only two weeks until May which is when it's supposed to be released. I find this behaviour bizarre and very unusual in an era when most companies, especially tech companies know the value of online communication with their customers.

I am sure they know the full specs and the answers to all our questions, why do you think they would be keeping them a secret? do they think it will be a nice surprise for us on release day? or do they think everyone will pre-order without even knowing the specs and purchase a nice mystery box?

Well I would say from the lack of interest in this thread and on the threads on Whirlpool that due to the ongoing lack of info from IceTV about their own product that the vast majority of people have totally lost interest.

If Dave (or anyone from Ice) had of said two weeks ago something like "Full specs will be revealed X date" when people started asking then we would have something to go on.
SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
April 13, 2015, 02:34:42 PM
Wow if I were a shareholder in this company I would be angry at the zero effort that is being put into the marketing of this box, I can only guess that the lack of replies now signals another release date slip.

If someone reading this has some spare time could you please ring their contact number and ask if the box is still being released and then read through the questions in the last couple of pages here and see if you can get any answers?

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SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
April 08, 2015, 10:01:34 AM
Dave from support are you still with us? it's been 5 days since any input, these are the loyal fans that have waited and waited for this box, you said you would check out some more details Tuesday? did that happen?

There has been talk of how and when we will be able to order them and how much they will cost...........but why would we want to know those things when we are yet to find out what it is we would actually be purchasing.

What are the full SPECS????

Will it be a good media streamer and what codecs does it support????

What are the I/O ?

Where are the pictures????

How can you make us wait so long and then continue to tease us by not releasing all the information required to make an informed purchasing decision? It's only a few weeks before it's released and so far we don't know why we should pay $500 for your box instead of the other well featured boxes for $200 apart from auto ad skipping which everyone is skeptical about and with good reason. So IMO you need to really start selling your product by singing all its praises. The single page website is just another tease....come on you can do better than that, can't you? Remember you are pitching to the high end price tech savvy market......not the Harvey Norman bargain bin market.

As someone said earlier getting info will be like pulling teeth, I hope this doesn't prove to be correct.
SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
April 03, 2015, 09:53:41 PM
I use my old Beyonwiz to record TV AND stream content from network connected folders on my PC via Cat5 cable......Please tell me that Skippa will allow me to do that and maybe even via WiFi also AND have good file (codec) support for currently common downloads????

Oh and I would like to set it up to do that without taking a Masters Degree in Networking and writing my own software if possible :)
SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
December 23, 2014, 08:06:00 AM
I have been unhappy with my old PVR for sometime and waiting for something new to come along so have been watching this thread. When the T3 came out I held off because early reviews said it was buggy, but then an update seemed to fix that and there was still no ICE-BOX to compare it with, what to do?

So a few weeks ago I rang ICETV and spoke to a dude there about it, he was very helpful and knowledgeable and assured me that not only is the ICE-BOX (or whatever it's called) in final testing and will be released soon but there are a couple of other PVRs just around the corner at good competitive price points that will compete with the ICE-BOX.

I inquired what the special secret killer feature would be and I swore to secrecy if he told I can't reveal what it is  ;) ;D ::) LOL but some of you will find it very useful, if it works as it's expected to.

I have been convinced to wait, but hopefully not for much longer.

I don't know why the ICE dudes don't utilize this forum to keep in touch with potential buyers, especially this thread, I have no doubt their lack of posting here has cost them sales, it almost lost me. I did mention that when I rang, but that obviously didn't make it to their team meetings agenda  ::)

Hey it's Xmas so don't everyone rush to the phone and ring them right now, but yeah after that we should all call up and ask them WTF is going on and why don't they reply to us on their own forums?