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SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
June 21, 2015, 12:57:55 PM
For those who missed out I predict that Skippa with be on Special for $500 not long after general release and we have all the bugs worked out.

One thing I can't help but think about the auto ad skip is I hope it doesn't become too popular. If it does then the TV stations will probably fight back with scrolling ticker ads during the show and picture in picture ads during the show. Not that it would really bother me as I hardly watch any commercial station rubbish already.
SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
June 21, 2015, 10:02:22 AM
No it's not like the steak analogy as there was no fine print. I get the feeling they didn't tell us earlier as they are making it up as they go, same goes for the RRP of the unit.
SKIPPA / Re: autoskip pricing
June 20, 2015, 09:29:51 PM
Wow.......that didn't go well. ...

I really can't see many people paying $599 for a PVR and then paying an annual subscription fee to skip ads. They seem to not be listening to all the posts were people are underwhelmed by auto ad skipping and consider it a non essential feature.

The general public might think differently, but I doubt it.

Anyway it does show that they are confident that the feature works well. So I hope people do pick it up so that I can continue to enjoy it for free.

Bring on the bug reporting threads :)
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 16, 2015, 11:01:59 PM
Looks like I was right, seeing as I live in Tassie it is probable I won't get mine until August, I was not whining just being honest open and truthful.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 16, 2015, 08:26:11 AM
Quote from: NRo on June 15, 2015, 03:45:37 PM
What's the current expected ship date in July?

Two weeks away from July we have a one month window for delivery so I think this is a very relevant question (just ignore little dog man yapping around everyone's ankles) I would like to know this also but I don't think we are going to get an answer and even if we did I would take it with a grain of salt due to the MULTIPLE release date slips in the past some of which were unannounced. Some of the date slips were no doubt beyond IceTV's control, but communicating to the public here was sometimes handled poorly or not at all. As I said previously we are not out of the woods until you have it on your doorstep, I'm preparing to get mine in August so if it turns up in July that will be a nice surprise :D
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 11, 2015, 11:29:09 AM
I think the T4 release is very relevant to Skippa pre-orders, as above perhaps there will be quite a few people asking for their pre-order money back. Personally I would still pick the Skippa at $399 over the more expensive and better specced T4, but the risk of being a beta tester for Skippa still concerns me.

But if the Skippa was selling for it's recently inflated RRP of $599 then it would be a very different story.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 10, 2015, 03:32:43 PM
Quote from: nis200sx on June 10, 2015, 01:26:09 PM
I expect they will provide their usual level of service.

Well I hope upon Skippas release that they apply a bit more than their usual level of service on the forums which at best could be described as spasmodic, but you are probably correct.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 10, 2015, 11:34:21 AM
They could answer my question with "IceTV choose to withhold the information regarding the manufacturer of Skippa due to commercial confidentiality reasons" then I would have to accept that.

I can't really understand why they would say that, but I'm sure there is much about their business I don't understand, I am no expert. I guess that as soon as Skippa is released that someone with a great deal of knowledge about the hardware will open the box up and have a look and will probably know from that who makes it. That is why I don't understand the thoughts behind trying to keep it a secret.

I assume that IceTV have chosen a well known and trusted manufacturer that has a history of producing quality PVR hardware, so why would they not want to promote that?

My question about the bug fixes did not get an official response from staff either but was answered thanks, I assume this is from info gained from ringing them up? or have you been asked as a beta tester to report back on the software?

I have already purchased, so the questions are just a matter of interest, I doubt I'm the only one interested in the answers, it would take very little time and effort to answer. At first I thought maybe the question had not been noticed, that is why I posted it again, but it is now apparent that IceTV chose to ignore it instead of addressing. That is why my tone changed and yes I accept that I did sound demanding and in hindsight I would have been better off just letting it go rather than letting being ignored annoy me.  Yes each to their own, and they don't have to do anything and we can take it or leave it. I do hope the IceTV staff provide timely and appropriate responses to the numerous questions that will no doubt fill these forums when Skippa gets to people's homes.

SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 09, 2015, 11:34:19 PM
Bogdogbogdog......why is it that my questions about who manufactures the box aggrieve you and yet after that you have unleashed a tirade of less relevant questions?
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 08, 2015, 06:33:36 PM
Quote from: bodogbodog on June 08, 2015, 04:42:10 PM

Do you ask that question of every supplier of consumer electronics you buy - or for that matter any item you purchase?

Seriously - IceTV are offering us the SKIPPA - pretty simple really - take it or leave it...

But rolling into the forums and demanding answers to these sort of questions, which no other supplier would expect to answer, isn't going to get you answers

I can answer the bug fixes and upgrades question - it will be IceTV, the supplier of the unit

Thanks for the answer regarding the bug fixes and upgrades, I'm glad it will be IceTV doing that as I imagine that will speed up the process and we will be able to give feedback directly.

Most purchases I make I am able to look up reviews and information about so Seriously YES all major purchases I would know that information. Skippa is not a major purchase at $400 but it will be a major PITA if it doesn't work as expected. I have taken a blind leap of faith by pre-ordering and paying for a box that there is scant info about and no one here has reviewed or beta tested, well not publicly anyway.

This is the information age, it is normal for people to ask the type of questions I have especially about high-tech purchases such as this and especially from a seller who has no previous experience releasing hardware. To tell people to just take it or leave it when it is a Pre-Order is quite an arrogant attitude IMHO.
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 08, 2015, 04:37:44 PM
Don't any of the staff know who is manufacturing this box? or have they been told to withhold this information? my question is a valid one and has been ignored twice now.

Also I repeat who will be doing the bug fixes and upgrades?
SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 08, 2015, 09:33:19 AM
As well all eagerly await the delivery of our Skippa's I am reminded of the numerous release date slips in the past which have still been happening recently causing it to be delayed by a month as each month passed even after the website and promotional emails went live.

It must be a difficult and frustrating process dealing with overseas manufacturers, I do hope that firmware will be updated in house by IceTV??? and we won't be waiting 18months to fix the beta release bugs???

Also have we been told who the manufacturer is??? I think this question was Skipped when I posted it before?

So in the spirit of having a bit of fun, I'm willing to bet this 6 pack of grog that my Skippa won't hit my letter box until August !!!! anyone want to take up my bet?

SKIPPA / Re: Skippa Pre-Order
June 02, 2015, 12:05:35 AM
Here is an off the top of my head no facts involved guess by me :)

Seeing as the initial price for Skippa was $499 with $100 discount for us as beta you really think they will now suddenly change their minds and put it in the shop at $599 on general release?

I guess it will now have a general release of "Special new release $499" save $100 limited time only.........nearly gone......get in quick.........
Well that wasn't a good start, Universal Media Server borked up my internet connection by setting up some ummmmm I dunno "internal loop network?" or something, so the Internode dude told me while he was helping me get back online.

I uninstalled UMS and will try Plex now, he said Plex is much better and easier to use and I should not have any similar problems with it, he has been using it for 6 years. So looking forward to having a try with that, I hope it's not too resource hungry.

SKIPPA / Re: New IceTV branded PVR
May 30, 2015, 04:19:12 PM
Quote from: RubberChicken on May 29, 2015, 04:23:26 PM
The logo on the front is a bit too small and subtle.

I'm going to mod mine by putting this sticker from Zazzle over it :D