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Messages - NBOSTI

General Discussions / Are Forums secure?
June 23, 2017, 05:50:20 PM
I usually check the forums on a daily basis, my browser has always warned that the connection is not secure,... check anyways, helpful things crop up.
Until this morning,..each time I clicked on the forums I got a "Bad Gateway" message. On both Fire-Fox and Safari. I thought they must be blocking because of  insecure  site warning. But I also ran into problems trying to remove unwanted episodes from "My Week".
They would go away, and  then reappear a few seconds later. 
Out of curiosity I tried the forums again just a while ago and could get back in. Also the remove episode function is working again.
Would this of been because of the server error posted earlier?

But I would also really like to know why the "Online Forums" connection is "Not Secure". I have used this for years and have always wondered why, I need to know.
Any reply appreciated. Thanks.

Mac Mini; 3x Elgato Diversity Sticks= 6 channels recording.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet Earth II
March 01, 2017, 07:11:01 PM
Hi Tiphanee,
I am in W.A., I notice that the episode title has changed now, "Jungles".
I just thought I would bring the wrong title to your attention to maybe help others.
I wasn't worried about missing the recording, I use "My Week" mainly as a guide and to monitor changes. Most of my schedules are done manually.
Editing of Shows/titles is a simple and quick process with my set-up.
Have a nice day.
IceTV EPG Content / Planet Earth II
March 01, 2017, 12:44:03 AM
The Planet Earth II episode titled "Mountains" was aired last week, you have this weeks episode also titled "Mountains"
I am sure the episode to air this week is "Jungles".
IceTV EPG Content / Pointless schedule
February 10, 2017, 02:06:42 PM
Just a mention, "Pointless" 6pm weeknights on ABC is always shown as 60 minutes long, then changed to 45  on the day of screening. I have only ever known this show to last 45 minutes.
Thanks for clearing that up Dave.
It is what I expected, and hoped to hear.
I'm behind you all the way, keep up the good work.
Archer 11,  Topfields need a complete reset to refresh data,..Or something like that. There is a message pertaining to that  under "my recorders".
I'm not sure about the newer Toppys but my old 2400hdt did reuire a complete reset and set up if a resend of schedules was requested.
General Discussions / Re: IceTV Resurrected
October 24, 2015, 12:08:43 AM
I recall buying a Divico PVR through IceTV, it was a good machine for about 6 months. It had features that I wish others would adapt, but the manufacturers stopped firmware updates and eventually thier support site disappeard altogether.
Was this IceTV's fault? No. it was  the manufacturer proclaiming a product that they could not or would not support.
If I recall correctly, it was Altech, maybe wrong.
My advice is buy a well known brand,...
I salvaged the 1Tb HDD from that machine and ditched the box that contained it.
My point is I spent $ 600 dollars on that, it failed and I got over it...I will stick with Elgato tuners.
They work,..have superior options over a stand alone PVR, and I have 3 running giving me 6 simultaneous channels of recording, all playable through my large screen TV.
General Discussions / Re: IceTV Resurrected
October 23, 2015, 08:50:52 PM
Well said Antman.
I can't understand all the people trying to kill this service before they have even given the new company a fair go.
You will have a week to assess the service for free , then decide if you want to subscribe.
Nobody is under any obligation to renew, the new company is under no obligation to refund or honour any subscriptions made by the old company.
The posters on this site all have used and enjoyed a hassle free way of remotely programming their PVR's for many years. There is NO OTHER service available in Australia that comes any where close to that supplied by IceTV, so suck up your loss, accept it and continue to support a great service or spend hours each day trying to keep those PVR's on schedule.
I got the email advising of "scheduled maintenance", took advice and did a fetch on both my Macs (Elgato EyeTV Diversity) last night.
This morning neither Mac could contact server. No problem, as I was advised it could take 48 hours for DNS to be applied. I am checking forums regularly now and just saw the post from Daniel.
So I went to both Macs and did an update on each successfully. All seems to be back to normal.
What I am really wanting to know is when should I re-enable auto renew on my subscription?
I disabled this when all this "voluntary administration' came to my attention.
I got an email on Wednesday alerting me that my subscription was about to expire, but was still sceptical as to whether the charge would be paid to the old or resurrected IceTV.
Should I wait until advised of new payment gateway up and running or enable now?
I have read the bit about having a week to decide whether I want to subscribe, but I already know that I do, and don't want to lose any of my saved schedules if my subscription expires.
And one thing I did notice over this week was that there were no time changes reflected in "My Week". usually I would expect 1 or 2 changes to the schedule but none were showing. I can understand if this is because of the transitional changes but hope that it is not indicative of how the service will be run from now on. After all, the best thing of this service is to keep devices up to date on recording schedules.
General Discussions / Re: IceTV Resurrected
October 17, 2015, 08:39:39 PM
Happy Days.
I spent most of Friday trying to set my EyeTV/Mac to automate recordings, what a headache.
I did find an online guide to use that would tell me of repeat screenings but to send that to my recorders would require a lot more time, know-how and patience than I have. XMLTV, automation and script- writing
I logged back into Ice today just out of curiosity and joy of joys, I saw a full weeks worth of schedules.
My other solution had missed a lot of schedules, particularly " Fargo".

So a big thank you to all that have made it possible for this service to survive, especially Dave, who has been the only one to ever aknowledge any of my  support mail in the past.
Keep up the good work, keep it as an interactive EPG service only and you will have my continued subscription.
SKIPPA / Re: IceTv in Voluntary Administarion
October 09, 2015, 11:44:02 PM
The writing was on the wall. When I first saw IceTV promoting this machine I knew trouble was on the way for the EPG service in general. It all started earlier this year when the server " Upgrades" left us in the lurch. Too many eggs in one basket or greed? I don't know, but they would never be able to deliver "Ad-Free" recordings.
The majority of networks , including ABC and SBS no longer have visible triggers when a program starts, rather just jumps into it straight from promos. No intro credits, watermarks nor any other signal.
They have more money and resources than IceTV and will always be ahead of the game for whatever their reasons are. They are all in on the FreeView, so is that behind it?
I was never going to buy a Skippa, (my mac mini set-up has given me 4 tuners for years),..I feel for those that ordered and paid for one and now look like not getting a refund. But more I am going to miss the convenience of the online scheduling and EPG should they fold altogether.
I hope that an investor is found to bail them out,...and please stick with delivering an up to date scheduling and EPG service.
General Discussions / Re: Which PVR should I get?
May 27, 2015, 04:27:02 AM
The options of which PVR to buy is narrowed by your criteria. IceTV Interactive models have become less available since I first subscribed to the service 7 years ago. I started with a Topfield TF7100HD+, served me well for many years until I finally had to ditch it last year. It was a firmware problem, not the hardware that failed, although I did replace the hard-drive once.

Shortly before I bought that Toppy I bought my first Mac, a late 2006 Mac Mini and subsequently bought an EyeTV Diversity USB Sick from IceTV.
I have never had a problem with EyeTV and now use that exclusively.
I now run a later model Mini (mid 2010 ) with 2 Diversity sticks connected giving me 4 tuners capable of recording  4 different channels simultaneously. I also run a third Diversity stick on my iMac to handle any conflicting schedules, which are rare as the EyeTV software has excellent padding and scheduling management.
The EyeTV comes with Windows software too , but I have never run it on that platform, so can't attest to the reliability there.
My set up is:
Mac Mini to HDTV via HDMI; each of the 2 Diversity USB sticks connected to a different Bus ( I use USB Ports 1 and 3 );  one installation of the EyeTV software,with the archive on a 1Tb external drive.
The recordings are easily edited, can be exported(converted) to any format andare flawless.
With a third Diversity stick on the iMac I can record more, simply edit and copy the recording to the Minis EyeTV archive to play back on the HDTV. Be sure to quit  and restart the EyeTV  app on the receiving Mac for the recording to be registered.
I am also still running the Mini on Snow Leopard. Simply because it is in my opinion the most stable of all OSX and while not having the most up to date security features it has one feature that subsequent systems lack, FrontRow.
The Mini is ideal as a HTPC  and FrontRow is ideal to play all media files. Add a plug-in called PyeTV and FrontRow will access your EyeTv archive too, allowing you to delete recordings, watch live broadcasts and more.

Sorry for the long winded rant. I think that the EyeTV option could work out cheaper for some people and offer superior perfomance than some stand alone PVR's, and I have read that the EyeTv software works seamlessly with the much cheaper Hauppage tuner sticks,...again I have not tested this.

To sum up, an old lap top with a fairly cheap TV USB Stick and some good (if rather a bit more expensive) software (EyeTV 3)  makes a better PVR than anything out there. With the added benefit of adding media serververs such as Plex, xbmc or any other DLNA capable servers you can stream direct to most Smart TV's.

Ellie, have fun exploring the possibilities of that laptop, but remember I have not verified the compatibility of EyeTV with Windows nor Hauppage with EyeTV.

Got theemail that all is fixed...won't happen again,.. it isn't.
"my week" is still mainly blank for the week.
I too wonder if this has to do with "Skippa" interaction processes being introduced.
I've had years of hassle free service from icetv, now nothing but trouble.
Not much consolation to those people with PVR's, but Iam running 3 EyeTv Diversity sticks on 2 macs, giving me 6 tuners of simultaneous recording, all with thier own padding.
I have been having the same problem over the past 2 weeks but when the glitch was "fixed" last week I was able to do a fetch on both macs to get schedules for this week.
Because I only do manual fetches, my schedules are all still there but with the website problem returning yesterday, I have no idea of any changes to them , nor am I able to do any more fetches without icetv deleting those that are there.
My Toppy TFR7100HDPVRt was working flawlessly for years, then started freezing on live broadcasts. Same problems as posted earlier that remote wouldn't work etc,..I did all resets (when it was possible, kept crashing), in the end I was tempted to throw it out, but didn't.
I retired it. Having numerous eyeTV tuners on several macs, I could do without it.
After several months and out of curiosity I set it back up. Not a problem since.

I think the Toppy is a good device, could be great with better firmware, mine might of chucked a hissy fit for a while but is back to what it did out of the box.
Stick with it, give it time to rest ( sounds stupid, but it worked for me).

Now, if icebox ( when finally available ) is what they promise , I will get one.
Maybe with the advanced features of Elgato software, along with the playback capabilities of the DvicoTvix (which was promising but did not deliver, dying after 3 months), Quad tuners (not network specific ) and add iView ,.....