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Messages - NBOSTI

To add to that if it helps,
the message reads "Bad Request" with a long underline and below nginx/1.20.2.
A search on "Bad Request 400" resulted in something like " a client error..." from Mozilla, among others that were obvious spam ways of "getting rid of a bad request".
Sorry no screen shot (beyond me), but the team should be able to work with that. I hope.
Thanks MD,
 I was aware of the other series, "The 100 club".
Not the same , as you mentioned.
I think the first season of "The 1% Club" has finished its  run. They were  advertising for casting on last episode.
It does not show on a search of 7's web page as upcoming. Other shows are scheduled in usual airing time(s), (it moved from Wednesdays to Mondays).
Regardless, as I said I was just curious as to why that message only appeared on this particular show.
If it helps, this only occurs on the web. My iPad app shows as any other program with no up coming episodes, "No items".
I have a series recording set for "The 1% Club" and all have recorded fine.
Since I first created this recording schedule when I click "upcoming episodes" ( either through "manage series" or a "TV guide" search, I get the message "400 Bad Request".
This happens even if the episode was showing in "my week" as scheduled. Before and after being sent.
I have not encountered this before, found it strange. Tested on numerous others  in "manage series" and the message never appears.
I'm posting out of curiosity as to why this happens. A data base error? I have no idea on these things so any enlightenment will help. Thanks.

General Discussions / Subscription price
June 03, 2023, 07:43:47 PM
Received an email alerting me to the increase of the monthly subscription cost on Thursday 01/06.
No problem with that at all. I'm happy to pay the extra dollar.
Thanks Colin (MD) for the heads up.
That you have found time to do so (even if automated) whilst the team is trying to solve any and all issues with the IceBox is appreciated.
General / Re: Daylight Saving
April 01, 2023, 09:57:10 PM
Ha, good point.
My rooster had to be disposed of, waking me up at strange times, the nerve of him.
Seriously though, living in WA, with no daylight saving needed (nor wanted?) I am not in a position to state whether it has been an issue with any other PVR I have used. The Time Zone being the same across the whole state all year round.
I would hope that the underlying OS would adjust to that circumstance as others do, obtaining Time/Date from the network and adjusting internal clock as required.
The IceTV guide, from all forums I have read, is updated to adjust to those areas that have rooster eating times.So it should not be a problem.
Or is there a setting regarding Time/Date that needs to be set upon initial set up?
Any advice?
VideoRedo looks the goods, but it is no longer available.
It is also only supported on PC's, I am a Mac household so wouldn't suit me.
I remember that I had used other editing tools in the past, and searching through my old files have come across a few that might do the same thing.
I will have to wait and see once I have decided to purchase the Icebox.
Thanks for all suggestions.
Sorry, I should have posted this in the Icebox General Help section.
As a long time user of EyeTV, (of which I will continue to use, and I know it is contentious with others. But the system I have been running for many years works with no flaws) for my regular recordings, I will miss the built-in ability to edit recordings, remove padding of unwanted pre and post recordings in order to watch the desired show itself.
Commercial channels are notorious for running late, or not starting on time and that feature works so well within Eyetv software (my system) I edit them and have no need to long press FF in order to watch from the start of each.
Is that editing feature available on the Icebox without having to export the file first and use a third party editing tool?
Thanks IanL-S and MD.
All helpful info, especially regarding the Diversity tuner.
After looking at the possibility of installing on a Mac Mini further and weighing up the time and effort it would take me (limited knowledge on such things), if possible at all. I will ditch that plan.
The Icebox as a complete package would be a better plan for me. A lot of settings and customising options to keep me interested/occupied for some time.
Hi Ian-sl, how is the software working so far?
I understand that this is in Beta, but are there any issues pertaining to this that are not already covered or discussed in the icebox forum? Particular to BYOB itself? Tuner compatibility itself aside.
As a free download I was thinking of trying to set this up on a Mac Mini using an Elgato Diversity stick over the Easter long weekend.
 It will probably occupy a great deal of that time. But if anything I am persistent and will try to make it work.
If successful, it will be more of stubborn persistence over technical know-how.
but might be useful for others.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Guide
February 10, 2023, 08:21:51 PM
After adding my 2 cents worth to this post Wednesday evening, I let things be.
Upon logging in on Thursday afternoon, the web guide was showing correctly again. Even adding the two schedules that were not "taking" earlier. All good, no action needed there.
The app was not showing correctly, but as with prl, a reset application was all that was needed.
Thanks all for the quick fix on this. Especially when you are focusing getting the icebox issues fixed.
An excellent project that will only get better.
Looking forward to when BYOB is available to give myself many hours of headaches, LOL.
Well done.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Guide
February 08, 2023, 11:03:43 PM
I am getting similar in Perth region. I have noticed some other strange things since Monday.
When I schedule a program to record, either on the web or app guide, it shows a red donut on the guide but it is not transferred to "My Week"
If I go back to the "Guide" the red donut has disappeared. Still happening tonight, Wednesday.
Also, I had a scheduled recording set for "Better Date Than Never" Tuesday O7/ O2. Upon checking " My Week" that afternoon the preceding program was showing as waiting to be sent.
When I removed that program, "Better Date than Never" also was removed.
Go to "Manage Series", reschedule "Better Date Than Never" and same thing, the previous program was again showing as waiting to be sent also. Repeat above process, same thing.
 I think a glitch on the server end somewhere.
General / Re: Currently available IceTV-enabled PVRs
November 12, 2022, 11:29:02 PM
Hi IanL-S, anything further on which tuners might work with this.
I am mostly interested in whether older Elgato Diversity USB Tuners will be compatible.
They show up on my setup as GeniaTech. GeniaTech has not been supporting the Mac software, nor helpful with 64 bit support in general.
I still run 2 macs running Snow Leopard solely for the purpose of recording TV.
One is a Mac Mini via HDMI to my TV for playback of recordings if Infuse has a hitch in playing back said file. The majority of recordings are done by an iMac, still running Snow Leopard. I edit those recordings (meaning "Compact" in EyeTV terms) to get rid of unwanted pre and post content (padding), then copy them to my main  serving iMac. Infuse then handles all of the stream via my Apple TV to TV.

I know that EyeTV is contentious and a sore point with most (stemming from Genia Tech updates, also some Elgato previous) and with a lot of bugs. But sticking to the last stable release and running on SnowLeopard, 3.6.9 (7416),. A free down load if you ask. It is still the best PVR that I have used. And I will continue to use those sticks as long as they continue to work. Both that Mini and iMac are getting long in the tooth.

A bit long winded I know. But are you testing these particular tuners?
And does this IceBox software have the ability to edit recordings in a similar way? Remove sections of each recording.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Changes to ALL schedules
September 10, 2022, 09:01:12 PM
Hey thanks for that heads up Bazza.
I was wondering why my scheduled recording of "Spicks and Specks"  had disappeared.

On occasions scheduled shows do that, I check on them through "managed" click on "upcoming episodes" and find that they are part of a series recording but "this episode won't be recorded". Even though my settings are correct.
Why this happens I have no idea, but a simple fix, I just click on "record this airing".
A Bug? Don't know.

Not the case here. I'm sure "Spicks and Specks" will be rescheduled at a later date.

General / Re: Currently available IceTV-enabled PVRs
August 14, 2022, 02:26:03 AM
pardon my ignorance on this. Enigma is new to me.
But what format would the recordings be in?

Just wondering if the hardware will need a HDMI connection, or if it will play back over dlna, or infuse on  Apple TV for that matter. Infuse has handled every file type I have thrown at it so far, including EyeTV. DLNA seems to be file specific for TV systems?
Can I export the recorded files to another os? Convert to another format?
Ignorant? Yes. But curious.