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Messages - NBOSTI

Getting Help / Slow file transfer
May 18, 2024, 10:54:13 PM
O.K. So I like to transfer and save some recorded files to my Mac. Add them to my existing Library.
In order to use another player to use at later date. Infuse can handle playing back the .mkv files. although some program names are generic. So I edit Meta Data. All good.
The issue; I find that with Samba the file transfer from IceBox to Mac can take a long time, up to 2 hours or more for a movie. A 1/2 hour tv show can take over an hour.
When I used to use AFP to transfer files between systems on my network, mainly between Macs, it would only be a matter of minutes to complete.
Is Samba the only file transfer protocol  available for IceBox? Am I missing something in settings on IceBox or Mac/network?
Just seems extremely slow when my network performs fast with other transfers and streaming.
Getting Help / Re: Tuners that work
May 05, 2024, 03:19:14 PM
Now that I think back on the EyeTV set up, in the settings I had to specify whether I wanted to use it as dual tuner or in Diversity mode (basically boosting the signal).
So it is not surprising that it will only be seen as a single tuner on the IceBox.
I will just purchase another USB tuner from IceTV, save the cabling mess. Those EyeTV tuners will be around for, and if, I want to play around setting up BYOB.
Getting Help / Tuners that work
May 04, 2024, 10:02:20 PM
A bit later on this topic, but I can confirm that as MD mentioned, the eyetv diversity stick will only show as 1 tuner on ice box. Driver issues.
Only looked into this when I had conflicting schedules, over 4 networks.
So, I have a few diversity tuners, am going to test whether I can plug another into the USB side port.
If good that sould give me 4 tuners. Each capable of recording all network channels? Correct?
Thank you Raymondjpg, IanL-S and MD for all replies.
I will wait to see what happens. A small bug, was just curious as to why it occurred.
Just wondering why the folders still show up in Finder on my Mac after deleting using the Icebox itself.
I noticed that on the IceBox the option is to delete "Recording", which I assume to be the mkv file.
On other dvr's I have used, that would delete all associated files.But other files seem to remain.
I don't know if it is a Mac thing or what, just curious as to why.
I delete them after watching on the IceBox itself.
 The recording itself will not show on the IceBox after deleting, only that remaining Folder with associated files minus the mkv file shows up in Finder.
I am no tech wizard, so have no idea . If you run a Mac, could you see if you get the same?
General / Folder remain after deleting a recording
April 27, 2024, 07:41:33 PM
So I took the plunge and purchased an Icebox.
Initial setup was fairly easy.
I was vey sceptical on how well the ad skip function would work, but have been very impressed so far.
Even on ABC channels, leaving the padding to 3 minutes on start, when I play back the recording it jumps straight to the start of program. Displaying length of skip.
With the latest update I like that I can change the padding on each individual "Timer' from the Home Screen. I really don't want to enter TVheadend via web. I like the K.I.S.S. approach. I am the last "S'.

 I can access IceBox from "Finder" on my iMac easy enough.
The thing is after I watch a recording on the Icebox and delete it a folder still shows up in "Finder" for that recording. Usually with 5 files contained as opposed to 8 before deleting the recording on IceBox. The mkv file is not present as I would expect, being the actual recording.
So my question is, will those folders be persistent? I can remove them easily enough using Finder, but it can become confusing if the recording is part of a series recording as only 1 parent folder shows for each.
I understand that they don't use up much storage space. I thought I saw a post relating to this as to them being files associated with the adskip functionality and that they would be removed overnight, but I have left them alone for a few days and they are still showing in "Finder" unless I delete them  from there.
Is this normal?
General Discussions / EyeTV can't connect to server
January 18, 2024, 06:57:17 PM
I have been using EyeTv software on an oder Mac for many years without an issue.
Yesterday when I went to do my regular update of guide and check for new recordings, I got message "Update failed, can"t connect to server".
Same thing this evening.
Is Ice TV still supporting that platform or is it an issue on my end?
Any help would be appreciated.
General / Replacement SSD
November 04, 2023, 06:26:43 PM
So, now that the replacement SSD's have been available and sent out, are users finding that it has been the "fix" for their bugs?
I watch these forums and have not seen any/much on how the IceBox is performing with the new drive installed.
Has it fixed most issues experienced by users? Or are there underlying Kodi problems?
Just would like to know before deciding on a purchase.
General / Re: Replacement SSDs
August 27, 2023, 07:01:18 PM
I have been following this for some time, have been putting off purchasing an Icebox until most bugs ironed out and the SSD issue was a major concern for me. It seemed to create various problems randomly for some and not others.
So I am pleased to hear that it has been addressed. I will hold off on a purchase until current users report on the performance of the new SSD install, or any issues not remedied by that (or caused?).
I noticed that in the store, the Icebox has sold out, "next shipment due end of September".
Will the new shipment boxes have the new SSD installed? And be running all updates?
General / Re: How does the Remote Control work?
July 22, 2023, 08:32:29 PM
Hi TimC, I have been following this thread since started, more out of interest and hoping to learn something along the way. I am not going to pretend I understand half the things discussed, I am in no way into coding and most of it is gibberish to me. I'll leave all that to the likes of those that know their stuff,.. and there seem to be a lot out there, makes me feel somewhat inadequate in my limited knowledge of such things.

I thought I might contribute this as a possible solution.
 You have mentioned that the HDMI Matrix allows you to access all media in different rooms, and that you have an Apple Tv in the setup.
If you are able to watch AppleTV content from those locations, have you tried Infuse on the AppleTV.
I use that to watch all recordings I have from my EyeTV device. I copy the recordings from the device to a folder on my serving iMac. It reads those files with no issue, even showing all description in the thumbnail when scrolling through the library. If it can work with EyeTv files, I don't see why it would not work with IceBox recordings. It reads all sub-folders and collates them into one that shows on the App.
Just a matter of pointing Infuse to any network attached device and choosing which folder to add to the library.
A simple interface with many settings/options available. Maybe try a free version to see if it works for you. I have the Pro but had no issues accessing any files with the free.
Just thought it might solve the issue of not being able to control those recordings with the RF remote, ..just use the Apple TV to do that.
Hope this is of some help.
General / Are issues resolved.
July 01, 2023, 08:49:11 PM
If I order an IceBox now with tuners, will it ship with the latest firmware updates or will I need to do those myself?
Particularly the SSD boot issue.
I know some configuration is required, half the fun.
Been watching forum, help is there. Some of us are not too tech savvy.
Is it all good to go out of the box?
Thanks Lisa. I have just checked "Manage Series" and the name change is showing.
I thought I might have had to search again for the altered name, but no, the schedule I had under old name has carried over. And  by clicking "upcoming episodes", it returns as expected with no "Bad Request".
Thanks mutely again. Nbosti.
Getting Help / Re: Remote control playing up
June 18, 2023, 12:36:09 AM
Hi Hati, A good work around? or persistent?
Just wondering if un-pairing then pairing the remote might be a way of updating the USB receiver as opposed to just unplug/re-plug.?
Other devices have ways of doing so, with certain  button pushes, contained in user manual PDF's.
I have no idea about whether the icebox/kodi/usb remote can do so, and would probably be reliant on the brand and model of USB receiver/remote.
Just a suggestion. Hope you can work it out.
Thanks aeb001,
I thought it might have been something to do with the naming.
Specifically the " % " tag. I am hoping that with the next series it will be changed in the IceTV data base as you suggested.
Just still confused as to why it was showing as queued/sent but upcoming episodes returned that message.
All episodes recorded, it is just the search in IceTV guide for "upcoming episodes" or for the show itself results in that.
Hopefully when a new season comes around, this can be addressed as per your suggestion.