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Messages - NBOSTI

Thank you GaiO and Daniel, and apologies for late reply.
The payment went through on 27/01 as it should have.
As to why it did not process in December, I  also have no idea, unless it was a new verification process implemented by the card issuer that I overlooked.
I must have been mistaken as to how the account expiry/renewal date was shown, getting older and mind not as sharp.
 I used to get notified by my bank about a payment a few days prior to expiry date, not the day before, and the auto renew page states that payments will be charged a few days prior to expiry. Of that I am certain.
That is what raised my concern after the December charge failed to process.
I shall keep an eye on it going forward.
Thanks for your tireless commitment over the years. Regards Garth.
General Discussions / Auto renew settings not sticking
January 25, 2025, 09:55:18 PM
last month when my account should of Auto renewed it simply expired. My card would usually show a charge a few days prior to the recharge date as is expected. But this did not happen, and under the Auto Renew section on the web page it was showing "Your account will expire on ..." instead of the usual  " Your account will renew on ...". Sure enough my account expired and I had no access to the service.
I had to manually add another month.
The same thing has happened this month, my account is due to expire on Monday 27/01, it has not renewed even though on the web it is showing as Auto Renew enabled, and again is showing that it will expire instead of renew.
I have updated the card details several times but still the same.. showing as auto renew enabled but no renewal date,... only when it will expire and it does so on that date.
Why won't my auto renew settings stick and be adhered to?
General / Re: suitable alternate remote for ICEbox?
September 28, 2024, 06:39:47 PM
Quote from: Hati on September 22, 2024, 11:31:55 AM
Quote from: raymondjpg on September 22, 2024, 09:45:05 AMTake a look at the Kodi Addon Keymap Editor. That may give you what you need, and more!

No thanks, can't be bothered to stuff around with it. I had over a year to get used to the on-screen buttons, and I have.

On that note, the remote still works as good as on day 1, happy days.

Once again I agree, no desire to play around with something that is working as I like it to.
General / Re: suitable alternate remote for ICEbox?
September 21, 2024, 05:29:11 PM
Quote from: Hati on August 04, 2023, 06:47:40 AMBit of an update.

The new remote (WeChip W1) arrived. It looks and feels high quality, the tactile feedback is also very nice. I didn't have my hopes high, given the origin of this remote, but it is impressive never the less.

Best yet, it works "plug and play" with the IceBox.

Only a few hours of use as yet, but the behaviour experienced with the original remote is all gone.

The only downside is that there is no dedicated pause/play and stop buttons. Instead tap the OK button twice to pause, again to play and while in pause right arrow onto the stop icon at the bottom of the screen.

The airmouse part is good as well, but I only tried that because it defaults to that. Didn't play with the keyboard on the underside yet.

Over all, well worth the 30-odd bucks (if you search around a bit) if your original remote, like mine, goes highwire every so often and becomes unusable.

There are other types of remotes available from WeChip, I just picked this older model to test and don't feel bad about the cost if it turns to be a bust.

I absolutely agree that this is an excellent replacement remote.
I got sick of the "sticky button" issue with the supplied unit, recalled mention of this unit on here so ordered 1 last Saturday. Delivered Monday and been using since.

Yes it was plug and play out of the box.
The downside? while no dedicated pause/play or stop buttons, I prefer the pressing of the OK and using the arrow buttons. The power button also is non functional/not programmed. But again no issue for me, as most of the controlling of IceBox is with directional arrows within contextual screens.
The air mouse function I don't use.
The underside keyboard feels strange at first but once used to it, just feels like a non slip surface. No accidental key presses as the keyboard needs to be activated by a certain key.
The home and menu buttons are in reverse position to the supplied remote, but as with any new remote you quickly learn with use.
I might test if the keyboard is as plug and play as the remote the next time I do a soft reset.
Not about to test without needing to, but if it works for entering Username, password etc it will really prove to be well worth $30 spent.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: New shows
August 17, 2024, 07:11:19 PM
Ok, the gremlins must of taken a break, or someone at Ice is vigilant...I just checked again and The Goldbergs is back in "New Series". This time as "coming soon", whereas when I created a series recording for it there was a starting date showing, but no "upcoming " episodes available.
Made in Bondi still there, but The Real CSI is still absent...
IceTV EPG Content / Re: New shows
August 17, 2024, 03:57:05 PM
Quote from: BazzaG on August 17, 2024, 11:34:55 AMI have a feeling that there might be a problem in the "back-end" system because "The Real CSI: Miami" is also not listed.
I agree,...gremlins at play somewhere. 
In "New Series" I can see Made In Bondi but not The Goldbergs. The Goldbergs was there at some point because I created a series recording for it from there. I confirmed by checking "Manage Series" and it shows there.
My iPad app updated Sunday 04/08, same day as MD posted that "it should be on public update release by Tuesday". Impressive response.
So all looks good now. Single recordings are showing up in My Week, well after the 30 sec. period that I have set for "Update Timers'.
 But at least they are staying there while I have My Week open, which is good enough for me.
Thanks for the clarification MD, as I suspected it is an Apple requirement issue.
Believe me, as an entirely Apple reliant home (other than phone), this is a minor issue for me compared to other bugs and annoyances experienced every day.
 No longer and long passed was the motto "It just works" applicable to them. More apt would be "Spend a lot of money and then many hours configuring your system, it might work. And after the next software update of any of your products, do it all again". "Thanks for your dollars".
The web interface will suffice for me.
My main issue with the new app was that single recordings would not be shown in " My Week".
The notes for the last update referenced that this was addressed, but it is the same as before.
If I force a refresh by pulling down in My Week, single recordings will show for about 3 seconds then disappear.
This is the case whether the recording was created on the app or web interface.
I have reset the app many times, logged out and back in and also deleted the app and reinstalled from new. Same thing occurring.
I will just have to use the web interface from now on until a fix is implemented that addresses this.
IceTV EPG Content / The 1 Per Cent Club
June 29, 2024, 10:44:43 PM
This has been brought up before as to different shows, ...Australia vs ...UK.
I have both set as series recordings, first runs only.
 For the last 2 weeks at least (could be more), they show up on My Week a day or so before and as the Australia series, when on watching they have been the UK.
Also as first runs. Last weeks episode (UK) that recorded was a repeat.
I will admit that I may have watched that episode before on catch up TV, so could be wrong in that.
But the naming and differentiating between the 2 versions is not picked up correctly, or 7 is playing usual games.
Getting Help / Re: Ad skipping not always picked up
June 15, 2024, 10:35:57 PM
Yes, Ned Snow, you are correct.
I also get no Ad skip when there is a channel promo straight after.. Fast skip through that and when the ads start it kicks in, but the promo is usually longer than the ad break.
Frustrating? yeah. But no more so than not having the skip function on other PVR's.
I live with it. Mostly functions better than I thought it would.
Is a quick press of a button that much of a hassle?
Getting Help / Re: Slow file transfer
June 01, 2024, 07:49:42 PM
The DSl 20m cable is actually longer than needed, the only one I had in cabling box.
I purchased it quite some years ago but found it wouldn't work in the set up I had then. No idea why.
I am no network/tech wizard, just try things out and if they work stick to it until it stops working.
Thanks for the advice on EOP. But with things now as I like I shall leave as is.
Getting Help / Re: Slow file transfer
June 01, 2024, 06:56:51 PM
I  had another look at my options. EOP I had looked into before and read similar about older wiring, so dismissed. Should add that my modem/router is getting on in years and not running the latest wifi.
Much prefer to be wired when possible.
I am FTTN, so have a modem / router connected to old phone port with a DSL cable.That port is in the kitchen.
Found a 20m DSL cable (low flat profile, so easy to hide) in a box so decided to try routing that, moving the modem to a more accessible location. Run ethernet to the most used devices.
Bingo. Mac and Icebox now fast transfer, under a minute as opposed to over an hour.
I have found that Video Proc can do the editing I need on my Mac. A paid for software.

Getting Help / Re: Slow file transfer
May 25, 2024, 10:03:29 PM
Thanks raymondjpeg, your mention of " If wireless, then a whole other story" somewhat answers the issue.
I had a wired network at my last residence, now am completely wireless due to restrictions on running cabling.
I recall that some years back, I used to connect an Apple TV directly to my (much older) Mac with an ethernet cable, still using WiFi for internet.
Had no issues then, can I run an Ethernet cable from the IceBox direct to my iMac for file transfer but maintain a WiFi connection for IceTV service?
My modem/router is quite some distance from Entertainment centre, and running e/net cables across flooring, walls and ceiling  is very inconvenient.