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Messages - Paul

BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 17, 2023, 09:45:47 AM
Thanks Ian, the PC only has one HDMI port and the setting regarding hardware acceleration are as described above. Hopefully, when version 11 is available that will fix it. Thanks, Paul.
BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 16, 2023, 10:27:27 AM
I'm using a BYOD icebox. Can't remember if the repurposed media PC has a second HDMI output or not, will check tonight. The machine is old and was given to me.
BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 15, 2023, 07:19:18 PM
Yes, 7Flix (Sydney) also works - it seems to be the H.264 that works
BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 15, 2023, 01:18:20 PM
Just noticed that it works fine on HD channels but not SD. While not an expert, sounds like a driver issue to me!
BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 11, 2023, 12:09:45 PM
That's great to hear, thanks Ian - looking forward to upgrading to the new build!

Edit to add: Upon reflection, the pixelation appears far less random than a weak signal as well as having a different pattern.  Could be the driver.
BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 11, 2023, 10:01:40 AM
Sorry, I have now applied my brain! I assume I am correct in my assumption that the USB tuner is not suitable as it produces a very pixelated image on the ICEBOX. If I pull the antenna lead out of the USB tuner and plug that lead straight into the TV reception is fine. Does anyone know if it is likely to be a software or a hardware issue? Thanks.
BYOB / Re: Tuner question
May 10, 2023, 02:00:02 PM
Thanks Peter, so no need to plug it in since the antenna doesn't need power?
BYOB / Tuner question
May 10, 2023, 11:49:56 AM
Hi, I have successfully installed the software and it all seems to be working. I am using an old USB tuner I got from my Beyonwiz. (Picture below). Some channels pixelated very badly using this tuner but not when I plug the exact same antenna lead directly into the TV. I assume there is a problem of some sort with the USB tuner? I just occurred to me, that I don't know if I plug the USB tuner into a port that provides power. is that likely to be the problem? Thanks, Paul.

Edit. I'm a clown, the USB was powered using the lead clearly shown in the picture. I need to find a power source for it - open to suggestions! :-)

IceTV EPG Content / Re: New shows
May 30, 2020, 06:49:25 PM
Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?

Starts Monday 15th June on ABC ME and the ME app
Thanks PRL, that did the trick. I was trying to edit an existing entry, much easier your way :-)
Hi, I had a bit of a look around, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. I know that you can narrow down search terms in the pattern section of keyword recordings, but is there a list somewhere of what you can use to do this?

Hope this makes sense,

Thanks, Paul.

No worries - thank Alison :-)
Thanks for that. It would be easier to set timmers if the language was in the series titles though - but that may be problematic at your end?  :)
Hi, it appears that the episode that air on Friday night isn't in language.

Cheers, Paul.
Thanks MD, great support as always  :)

Interested to hear what the big project is