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Messages - JPP

I think the issue is back again. First sign was frozen remote, then spinning wheel and then reboot.

The T2 has been running continuously since I re-enabled ICETV around 3pm. If it is an issue to do with memory creep/depletion, this maybe of some help in nailing down the problem.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Corrupted My Week entries.
March 29, 2018, 11:21:06 PM
Quote from: Daniel Hall at IceTV on March 29, 2018, 03:33:30 PM
Ok, things should be looking a lot better now.
OK, thanks Daniel, all good now - just the 2 expected entries for Silent Witness, SD and HD, and yes, it wouldn't have been an issue as they were all just favourites as you said  :).
IceTV EPG Content / Corrupted My Week entries.
March 28, 2018, 06:04:34 PM
For the past couple of days, I have had a corrupted My Week schedule. The Silent Witness entry goes on for several "screen pages", but is eventually followed by normal entries.

Yep, too right, so did I  ;). But, like you've said, I don't think we missed much with our 5 min pre-padding. Sometimes thought of reducing it, but this was a good lessen not to  :).
Quote from: Daniel Hall at IceTV on June 29, 2017, 09:48:50 AM
Yep, but its fixed now.
Hmm... still getting them - one this morning just now 10:13am 29/6/2017
General Discussions / Re: Two 2400 Toppies for Sale
March 09, 2017, 10:08:29 PM
No, not yet anyway, but they're getting better all the time. For the moment I'm sticking with my Beyonwiz T2. Not having that 3rd tuner in the Toppy was the deciding factor. Spreading recordings/viewing over 2 PVRs was getting to be a pain.

Will you be striving to integrate ICETV into the Fetch?
General Discussions / Two 2400 Toppies for Sale
March 09, 2017, 08:13:50 PM
I have finally decided to abandon my still fully functional and good looking 2400 Toppies. Both have newish 500GB drives. I will leave all TAPs including my super favourite EPG, JustEPG on them - sad and a shame to have to live without it.

Anyone interested please PM me with your offer - thanks.
Yes, I agree that it can be simplified  :). But, just to be sure that the Toppy isn't talking to the ICTV server when you set it to disable ICETV, I have found it safer to disconnect the internet before doing anything else. I know that there is an immediate pull on power turn on, but it doesn't always get serviced immediately. Waiting for about 5 min should be safe and well in time before the 15min interval is up, but I have been caught out and lost a lot of my timers  :(.

So, if we keep Step 1 in (for safety sake), you then have to go all the way through the 6 steps.
Over the past few years I have also found the procedure below to work every time on my Toppy 2400 for BOTH DLS changeovers. I have DLS setting set to ON on the Toppy. It correctly by itself switches over to the right time on the changeover. Using the July 2102 FW. Not tested it on later FW.

1) With Toppy OFF, disconnect the internet connection. (Pull out Ethernet connection or dongle)
2) Turn Toppy ON now and go to Set-up to disable ICETV
3) Now delete ALL timers on the Toppy
4) Next go to ICTV website (My Recorders) and select Resend all timers
5) Reconnect Internet connection to the Toppy
6) Finally, go to Set-up on the Toppy and enable ICETV

That's it. Nothing else is needed. Forget about all the paraphernalia wrt resetting, rescanning etc etc etc.
General Discussions / Re: Cooling fans
May 28, 2016, 02:20:49 PM
Hi Carl,

Before I sold my Skippa, I fitted it with an internal small and very quiet fan, running of the internal power supply. I still have the photos and other details, so if you're interested, send me a PM
Quote from: Dave at IceTV on May 18, 2016, 08:52:41 AM
This will happen if you Reset the EPG using the Red F1 button from the IceTV menu. The toppy then defaults to the first device in the account's device list. Just another quirk of toppy ownership.

Wow, something else I didn't know... :(.
I did this though AFTER I had the issues with Toppy 1, suggesting that before that, it still had the Toppy No 2 ID and I should have had all the timers come through to Toppy No 1. Which then means that the problems I had (and have had for some time) were not related to having the same ID for both Toppys.....

Time will tell I guess whether the issue is solved. Anyways, thanks for the informative and educational advice Dave.
Thanks Dave for your quick response, and explanation of how the system/server works - never knew about this behaviour.

It turns out, that my second Toppy (designated Toppy No 2) was somehow reset to be my first Toppy (Toppy No 1). I thus had 2 Toppy No 1s. All timers were set to Toppy No 1.

In this battle of who should win, it turned out that the second Toppy won and it in fact recorded the missing shows.

I've now corrected the problem and will monitor the 2 Toppies for the next 5 days.

Thanks again for the quick response.
After deleting all the timers again and then rescheduling them seems to have put the system in a spin. Timers are queued (hollow doughnuts) but don't get sent.
For a while now, at various times, my timers have not been sent to my Topfield 2400, even though they are marked as being sent and show (solid dots). There are no clashes and no error messages are/have been received for these missing timers.

Tonight I have 4 timers set - 2 on ABC and 2 on SBS. Only one, "Insight" has come through - Dateline, Foreign Correspondent and "The Indian Dream Hotel are all missing.

As I said, this has been an ongoing issue for some time now. Updating/rescheduling the timers does not help.

I next deleted the series and then reset them to record (all series recordings), with the result that 2 shows, are now marked as having issues (yellow triangle). There are no conflicts, so something is amiss at the server end I suspect.

I did get the email notification through about the failures, so that part seems to work OK.
It seems to be... my Toppy has now been running for about 10 min and still OK. Normally, if it's going to reboot, it takes about a min or less or as it can take as long as 2 min after a complete bootup sequence.