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Topics - JPP

IceTV EPG Content / Corrupted My Week entries.
March 28, 2018, 06:04:34 PM
For the past couple of days, I have had a corrupted My Week schedule. The Silent Witness entry goes on for several "screen pages", but is eventually followed by normal entries.

General Discussions / Two 2400 Toppies for Sale
March 09, 2017, 08:13:50 PM
I have finally decided to abandon my still fully functional and good looking 2400 Toppies. Both have newish 500GB drives. I will leave all TAPs including my super favourite EPG, JustEPG on them - sad and a shame to have to live without it.

Anyone interested please PM me with your offer - thanks.
For a while now, at various times, my timers have not been sent to my Topfield 2400, even though they are marked as being sent and show (solid dots). There are no clashes and no error messages are/have been received for these missing timers.

Tonight I have 4 timers set - 2 on ABC and 2 on SBS. Only one, "Insight" has come through - Dateline, Foreign Correspondent and "The Indian Dream Hotel are all missing.

As I said, this has been an ongoing issue for some time now. Updating/rescheduling the timers does not help.

I next deleted the series and then reset them to record (all series recordings), with the result that 2 shows, are now marked as having issues (yellow triangle). There are no conflicts, so something is amiss at the server end I suspect.

I did get the email notification through about the failures, so that part seems to work OK.
It's the first time I've experienced this, but here in Sydney, the current EPG data is causing my Toppy 2400 to continuously reboot.

It's happening on both my 2400 Toppies, so I don't think there's much doubt that it's a gremlin in the EPG data stream that has plagued us a while ago.

I know, I know, I'm one of those odd ball customers that still use the ICTV Yahoo Widget - I still find it the fastest way to quickly program and check up on my recordings.

For a while now, the new channels appear in the set-up Menu (under the i option), but the channel names do not appear on the TV Guide - just blanks where the names should be. As there are now so many new channels, it's getting a bit confusing. Any chance of fixing this issue?
We are still getting EPG data for a now non-existent TV Channel. From reading the article here
it is very unlikely they will come back on FTA - they are not even sure that they will come back as a streaming service.
Just lately, the past few weeks, I keep on getting erroneous or false email Timer Conflict error messages for my Toppy No 1. Tonight I'm ONLY recording on SBS yet got the failure to set timer error message.

Show Name:   Genius
Channel:   SBS HD
Time:   2015-11-29 21:30:00
Duration:   100
Device Label:   Toppy No 1
Device Type:   Topfield TRF-2400
Message from recorder:   TASK_MSG_TIMER_CONFLICT
Last Updated:   2015-11-29 15:55:53

Is anyone experiencing this as well?
Hey John,

Tonight, Tuesday 24th Nov saw 3 programs as being Repeats when they I don't think they were. In addition to Catalyst on ABC 1, Insight and Dateline on SBS ONE were also marked as Repeats - missed recording them.

I've asked for this before, but can you set up a program/algorithm that automatically marks 1st showings as FIRST on the dates that these normally show? This should make is much less likely that you will incorrectly mark these as Repeats and will make for happier wives  :). I know that at this time of year, shows are often repeats of the best of the year's programs, or a collection of fragments of the best shows for the year, but I would not consider them repeats. Anyways, do whatever you must to keep FIRST and REPEATS accurately marked.

Catalyst tonight is marked as a Repeat - I think it's a new show - on Gluten.
There is a hole in the Program Guide at 7pm (blank line, no entry) for the ABC LCN2 and ABC LCN21 for the ABC News title. Oddly, ABC24 and ABC(22) are both OK.

This is a odd one (just one title and description for one time slot missing, and not on every channel for that service) and may possibly help ICETV in diagnosing what has lately been a frustrating number of issues with some PVRs. But, I'm fairly new to the T2, so it may just be a Beyonwiz issue.
IceTV EPG Content / Repeats not marker Sydney
October 28, 2015, 04:01:48 PM
In Sydney, Date Line on SBS is nearly always a Repeat when screened in the afternoon on Wednesday, i.e. the day following it being screened on Tuesday evening. Today's screening was not marked as a Repeat.

Maybe screenings of flagship programs like Date Line and Insight and the like can automatically be flagged by the system to be Repeats. This probably applies to nearly all shows on the 4 major channels that are aired between 6-111pm.
SKIPPA / Latest Skippa Manual and Firmware Links
October 26, 2015, 10:06:02 PM
I'm about to become a Johnny come lately Skippa owner.

As ICETV no longer host these files on their server, this is the place to go to.

No idea if there will be more updates for either manual or firmware, but at least we have the one stop shop/place for these files.

Thanks to Ian who seems to have religiously kept copies of these files.

IceTV EPG Content / Gruen XL NOT a repeat of Gruen
October 25, 2015, 09:24:58 PM
I've noticed that ABC1 has an extended version of Gruen on Thursday night at 8.30pm. This extended version is 45 min long, whereas the Gruen shown on Wednesday night is just 35 min long.

Currently the Thursday extended version Gruen XL is listed as a Repeat when it's not really a repeat.
Dateline SBS ONE Wed 28 3pm is a Repeat but not marked as such. I have a Timer set on my Toppy for this Repeat.
I've been getting erroneous timer conflict email messages for my Toppy No 1 PVR of late.

Tomorrow's Movie Killing Them Softly for example, is flagged as a timer conflict, in spite of SBS being the ONLY tuner being used.

The Timer has however, been set on the PVR, so it would appear that the error detecting software is not working properly atm, at least on my Account.

Show Name:   Movie: Killing Them Softly
Channel:   SBS ONE
Time:   2015-10-23 20:35:00
Duration:   100
Device Label:   Toppy No 1
Device Type:   Topfield TRF-2400
Message from recorder:   TASK_MSG_TIMER_CONFLICT
Last Updated:   2015-10-22 18:24:02
SKIPPA / AutoSkip Q&A
September 28, 2015, 09:24:33 AM
I thought I'd start a separate thread on this topic as there are quite a few intricacies of it's operation that I'd like to know more about.

1. Can you turn OFF the Autoskip operation altogether? I ask as it does consume resources, probably making the unit less responsive at times. I realise that if your subscription runs out you will not be able to use it, but from what I understand from previous comments by ICETV, it still does the processing, but you don't have access to the Skip file associated with the program you're watching.

2. Does it automatically exclude non commercial channels, i.e. the ABC for one?

3. Can you stipulate that it will ONLY do the operation at specified times?

I think it's no secret that the Skippa is based on the Altech 9600T PVR. Have a look at the Skippa thread on Whirlpool for more discussions on that. for the start of the thread

And around here for posts dealing specifically with the comparison between the Skippa and Altech.

If you're interested in the manual for the 9600 (and what I suspect will be an almost identical manual for the Skippa, apart from ICETV EPG specific functions), have a look at these links: for the original 9600T manual

And here: for the addendum which added extra functions to the PVR

A review of the 9600T was made here:

All in all, the Skippa may not turn out to be entirely based on the 9600T, but I suspect that apart from a smaller case size (and with it the smaller 2.5in HDD and lower power consumption) and of course ICETV specific functions, it will be the same machine. Which, considering the pedigree status of Altech UEC bodes well for us and is I think a wise choice by ICETV to have made to supply them with an OEM PVR. The fact that Altech is a locally based company here in Sydney adds to that.
SKIPPA / JustEPG on the Skippa?
July 06, 2015, 04:38:13 PM
Now that I've ordered one, I'd like a glimpse into how customisable the Skippa will be. I'm hoping, as a fervent supporter of JustEPG, that there will an API or some way that users can contribute apps to the Skippa. Dave or Leon, care to release some more info here?  ;)
Just curious here to see how Skippa will handle Daylight Savings changeover times. Hopefully completely seamlessly without user intervention? Dave or Leon, care to enlighten us here  ;). 
Anyone else having this problem? Every other option is working OK. Have signed out and in again, have rebooted phone, but to no avail.