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Messages - rtraill

General Discussions / Re: IceTV Resurrected
October 21, 2015, 05:24:58 PM
I must say that the EPG is working perfectly on my EyeTV, Beyonwiz T3 and my iPhone.  Remote recordings working properly.  Even though I paid and didn't get a Skippa and lost 3 years prepaid subscription I am very grateful that the IceTV service is able to continue, hopefully, forever.

I intend to subscribe when it becomes active and urge everyone else to do the same.  Waiting around forever will just guarantee that the new company folds due to loss of revenue.

It is a psychological flaw in humans that if we have lost something then that can prevent them from acting rationally in the future (e.g. I bought a new phone but then lost it I might be reluctant to buy a replacement thinking that the phone isn't worth twice the price - assuming funds aren't the issue of course). 

One needs to accept the loss and, if it was worth $8/m for you in the past then it should still be worth $8/m in the future.
Dave, this is a great feature and thank you for doing this.
When I get my Skippa I will then have three devices that I will use to record TV programs.  It is a bit of a pain having to set each up to record one program, do you think we might have an option for "record to all devices" in addition to the current choice of having to choose what device you want to record to?  That would be most helpful.
EyeTV / EyeTV records unreliable in past few weeks
March 22, 2015, 11:52:08 AM
After a very long time of flawless recordings EyeTV (iMac 2012 latest Yosemite updates) is now not recording properly.  Initially it was missing schedules (schedule and program in guide but no recording, schedule still listed) now it is starting the recordings but then the recordings run for 8 hours or more when the show was only an hour).  I have deleted the program and schedules and redownloaded them from IceTV, installed the latest version of EyeTV (same version number but latest build).  Any thoughts or anyone else having these problems?
The original post said that all PVRs would need to do a rescan after the change.

If you aren't using Channel 1 at present and don't wish to do so in future why would you need to do a rescan if all the remaining stations are unchanged?  In particular 10 and 12?
Problem solved with help from Danient (ICETV) and Elgato
Install EyeTV 2.33 (just open the DMG and drag the app to the applications folder), open up preferences, select your account, update TVguide, click check now in remote scheduling.  It should then work.
Reinstall 2.41 in the same way as 2.33 and everything should now work.

From the Elgato email:

This sounds similar to an issue we saw in the states where there

> were some rare TitanTV EPG account problems in EyeTV 2.4.x. Do you

> see the same issue if you revert to EyeTV 2.3.3?


> For the TitanTV EPG error, there was a pref not being set in 2.4.1,

> and the workaround was to use the EPG account once in 2.3.3, then

> revert back to 2.4.1
This is just to document that I too am having problems with EyeTV 2.4.  Daniel needed to reset the EyeTV to device 0 to get the guide to work but I am still getting the message "The IceTV account information is invalid" when I try and check for remote scheduling.

Daniel is at a bit of a loss as to what the problem is and I think it would help if those who are using remote scheduling (PIMP) report as to whether or not it is still working for them and what version of EyeTV they are using.  My issues seemed to start about the time up updated to 2.4 although I am not absolutely sure.  2.4 is otherwise much more stable than 2.3.3
EyeTV / Re: EyeTV - "IceTV program"
February 28, 2007, 08:16:17 AM
I am having problems with PIMP recordings appearing on my EyeTV as "IceTV Program".  As I understand it this happens when the guide on the local machine has not been updated to cover the period in which the PIMP scheduling recording is set for.  I also understand you have reduced the days looking ahead to 5 to try and reduce this error.

My EyeTV said it downloaded the guide at 3am this morning but recordings for the 4 and 5 March weren't in it.  Manually updating fixed it.

I think you need to reduce the look ahead time further.  I think it should be 3 days.  I don't really see the need for them to be set many days in advance and it also doesn't allow for last minute changes for in programming.  I am referring to series scheduling by the way.

Perhaps a user based setting on the PIMP interface could be implemented to allow people to choose how far ahead scheduling occurs?
EyeTV / EyeTV 2.3.3 hanging on recordings
February 26, 2007, 08:50:12 PM
I am having some problems with my EyeTV V2.3.3 hanging on recordings (mainly channel 7).  This is with recordings set on PIMP.  I thought it was an issue with having consecutive recordings set but I had it happen just now with a single recording of tonights desperate housewives.

The recordings window usually shows a few seconds of the item recorded.

The funny thing is it is actually writing to the hard disk (which continues at least all night).  I can only get out of it by force quiting it.  The application is quite difficult to do this.   Requiring many attempts with the force quite application.  Sometimes I need to logout and back in to get it to work.

Then the recording is all there!

Any ideas?

I am using an iMac24" with latest everything installed.
My EyeTV on the DTT stick is working well but I cannot get reliable reception on channels 9 and to a lesser extent SBS.  My Topfield box used to get breaking up reception but whilst the signal is weaker than other stations has been ok and my Samsung LCD with inbuilt HD tuner has no problems.

Looking at the signal in preferences, I get about 60% signal strength but 0% quality.  Same on all the TV outlets in the house.  It seems to me that the DTT hasn't got a very sensitive tuner in it.

If I set a timer on 9 it usually fails after about 2-24 seconds with a no-signal message.

How are others going with receiving Channel 9?