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Messages - BazzaG

Just an update for anyone that's interested...

This show is available in 2 length formats:
3x120min & 6x60min (allowing for the addition of ads by the broadcaster).

C4 chose the single episode editions to both broadcast & add to MY4 as per the earlier link.

SBS on the other hand chose to add the double episode editions to SBS OnDemand and broadcast the single episode editions on FTA TV.

I highly suspected the SBS would do this ... it's certainly not the 1st & it wont be the last time that SBS does so.

Unfortunately, when the name of the show was updated back on Feb 1st I lost the timer that I had set but didn't realise until it was too late ... oh dear, how sad, never mind. Therefore, I had to wait until this W/E.

I did record last nights "Mysteries of the Loch Ness Monster" and can confirm that there was no break between episodes, no episode 1 end credits nor opening credits to episode 2. The change from episode 1 to episode 2 occurred midway between the 3rd & 4th ad breaks.

I can also confirm that if you discount the time for the episode 1 end credits & the opening credits of episode 2 of the SBS OnDemand editions then the combined runtime matches C4. In other words, SBS hasn't cut anything from the show. Ditto for the broadcast editions.

So for next W/E there's "Mysteries of Sink Holes", I see no reason why SBS wouldn't do the same.

This isn't a IceTV problem, so I'm not sure what IceTV can do (perhaps complain but I suspect that will almost certainly not achieve anything).

Yet another example of just how bad the SBS can be. This show is about the Mysteries of Stonehenge but that is the name of episode & not the name of the show itself.

A search of SBS OnDemand doesn't find a show by that name but does find this:

Mysteries Of...
Coming Soon.

Which is a C4 show:

that's currently broadcasting in the UK & the 1st episode is of course the Mysteries of Stonehenge and is 90 mins long + ads.

The issue here is that anyone who sets up a timer wont get the full pgm recorded correctly as a single recording.

Personally I've added a timer manually via my U4 for the 1st "episode" & then updated the end time to include both "episodes".

What should IceTV do? If it was up to me, I would update EPG accordingly and complain to SBS.

However, I suspect that complaint would fall on deaf ears given how often SBS does this sort of stuff.

No doubt next weekend we'll have 2 "episodes" of "Mysteries of Loch Ness" and the week after 2 "episodes" of "Mysteries of Sink Holes".

Anyway, over to you ....

IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 30, 2025, 12:47:34 PM
Well something has happened:

QuotePlanet America: Weekend Edition
Friday, 31 Jan
Series 2025 | Episode 3
8:00 PM - 8:45 PM [45 mins]

Meanwhile, next Wednesday it's still simply Planet America.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 29, 2025, 10:04:57 PM
At the end of tonight's PA, John said that's all for this edition of PA and we'll be back on Friday night with the Weekend edition of PA.

So it seems that Wednesday will simply stay as PA, Friday night will (maybe/possibly/could) be PA:Weekend.

The issue for IceTV though is will the EPG data provided by the ABC be updated to reflect the above?  Who Knows and somehow I don't think the ABC really cares.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 29, 2025, 05:31:24 PM
OK Thanks. Their online EPG hasn't been updated yet but there are still time for that to happen. I still have to wonder why? They have multiple episodes of 7:30 Monday through Thursday & they aren't called something different each day or the last one doesn't have the W/E name. Anyway, it is what it is.

Oh, 1 thing, if they are going to be called PA and PA:Weekend then they should have separate iView webpages but that is even more beyond IceTV control or even concern.

IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 29, 2025, 05:09:08 PM
As per my opening post the ABC also continues to consider them separate pgms:

NC2507H & NC2514H

but now that both editions use the same set, why not classify 'em as them as the same pgm.

Outside of our control though.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: The Hunting Party
January 29, 2025, 02:55:38 PM
Quote from: Garyvx on January 29, 2025, 12:21:07 PMI believe its a new Series.

Correct. It is a new NBC series consisting of 10 episodes (as of today) & Seven will stream/broadcast each episode effectively the same day as the US (given the time difference) and not months behind like other US shows, such as, The Rookie. Although, I have no idea if it will stay that way in the future.

The show will also be released first on 7Plus a few hours ahead of its linear broadcast (as will a number of other international titles this year). In this case, I believe, it will be available to watch on 7Plus from 6pm.

IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 29, 2025, 02:36:07 PM

Did IceTV ever hear back from the ABC? If so, what did they say?

Now I don't know what changes have been made to the IceTV Back-end but it appears that IceTV are listing them simply as "Planet America". Now that's absolutely fine by me. It's a pity the ABC can't do the same.

Anyway, if my suspicions are correct then tonights episode of PA is actually Season 2025, Episode 4, as there have been 1 Wednesday night & 2 Friday night episodes broadcast so far in 2025.

If my suspicions are INcorrect then at least I have 2 timers set to record the 2 episodes this week!!!!

So it looks like Seven is going to have multiple The 1% Club "Specials" through out S3:

QuoteThe 1% Club had a State vs State episode last night but the season with Jim Jefferies is coming in Q2, including with a few more special editions.

"We're not going too crazy, but they basically give Jim Jefferies a different way in. He's got 100 people to do the gags with and sometimes honing in on a different topic for discussion (helps). There'll be a Ladies Night, for example, with 100 women."

Please note that The 1% Club (AU) that was broadcast by Seven earlier today was not S03E02 or even S03E01 but a special: State vs State.

TV Networks are strange beasts ... the ABC and Planet America 2025 for example....

Tonight's episode has been advised by 7 as a 'special', the opening chit-chat in the show itself indicates that its a 'special'. Yet 7 has uploaded it to 7+ as S03E02. Oh well, whatever. Just forget that I ever posted this post.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Silent Witness
January 25, 2025, 12:07:40 AM
The ABC don't have ads, nor does BBC1.

And I watched tonight's "episode" (again as it were) & can confirm that it was Part 1 & Part 2, as broadcast by the BBC1 last year.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Silent Witness
January 24, 2025, 11:33:27 PM
The ABC has decided to broadcast all 10 episodes, ie. Part 1 & Part 2 as single episodes & that is also how they are now available to watch now on iView ... S27 episodes 1 through 5. However, they have listed them simply as Episode 1, Episode 2, etc. on iView and also in their online EPG.

I think it's best that IceTV call them:

Effective Range (P1 & P2)
Homecoming (P1 & P2)
Broken (P1 & P2)
Vanishing Point (P1 & P2)
I Believe in Love... (P1 & P2)

or something similar.

IMO at least.

IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 24, 2025, 11:08:38 PM
Well it would appear that the ABC have no idea what they are going to call the Friday night edition of PA.

Today they have called it: Planet America: Weekend

But it's not really the weekend is it.

PA: Wednesday & PA: Friday made much more sense if the name was going to be changed.

I guess we will need to wait until next Friday night to see what the ABC will call Friday's edition of Planet America.  Any guesses what next Wednesday nights edition will be called !!!!!!

Another thing I noticed...

In tonight's IceTV EPG it was simply called: Planet America. But my timer on my U4 as set by IceTV it was named: Planet America's Fireside Chat.

I also have a active timer for "Planet America's Fireside Chat" set for:

Sun 26.01.2025 20:50 - 26.01.2025 22:02
ABC Entertains

Now that is a genuine repeat.
IceTV EPG Content / Re: Planet America
January 23, 2025, 12:54:02 AM
An update:

Something is going to have to change given that next Wednesday's episode of "Planet America" is currently listed as a repeat in IceTV's guide and wont get recorded but as per above it's not a repeat.

Is it possible for IceTV to complain to the ABC to point out 'the error in their ways'?. If so, then may I suggest that a request to list Planet America correctly in their EPG data be made.
IceTV EPG Content / Planet America
January 23, 2025, 12:16:36 AM

We now have 2 "Planet America" shows each week:

Planet America: Wednesday and Planet America: Friday

Gone is Planet America: Fireside Chat

However, both shows are simply listed as "Planet America" in ABC's online EPG but on iView they each have there own program ID and episode number.

The pgm Id for Planet America: Wednesday is: NC2507H & for Planet America: Friday it's: NC2514H.
You can see the pgm ID and episode nbr in the video file name by placing your mouse pointer on each image. Note: The pgm ID will change each year if PA is renewed.

So last Friday (despite being listed in the ABC's EPG as PA:FC) we had Planet America: Friday S2025E01 and earlier tonight there was Planet America: Wednesday S2025E01.

For this coming Friday night, "Planet America" is S2025E02, while next Wednesday it's also S2025E02 & next Friday it's S2025E03 (as shown in the pgm details) !!!

If you go here:

You will see in the images for the 2 most recent episodes of Planet America:

"Planet America: Friday" and "Planet America: Wednesday"

in the top right corner of each image.

All I can say is well done ABC ... not!!! If the ABC want to change their names, that's fine, but they should listed as such in their EPG data & on iView ... IMO anyway.

What changes, if any, need to be made to IceTV I will have to leave that up to you to decide.