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Topics - kroma

"The Leap", currently listed for 13/Jul is NOT a repeat, it is the new episode that has been bumped twice for Michael Jackson content.
IceTV EPG Content / Seinfeld on Nine
February 08, 2009, 12:11:54 AM
Just a point about this series that is worth mentioning in the guide:

This is not the same as was broadcast on ten, or sold on the DVDs.

Sony Entertainment (on gaining the rights to it) remastered the shows from the original 35mm negatives it was shot on, so it is a true HD 16:9 program, not the SD 4:3 we originally saw.

IceTV EPG Content / Life on Mars on Ten
January 30, 2009, 02:14:58 PM
This is an American remake, but the guide is listing the cast from the british version.
Topfield / Icebox2 - Toppy connection failure
January 08, 2007, 12:34:35 PM
IceTV recently replaced my original Icebox2, because it was reporting a connection failure to the Topfield on the information page.

The Topfield (an original siver unit, running Feb06 firmware) has no problem connecting with my desktop, notebook, or the Icebox1 this unit replaced.

The new unit is experiencing the same problem, but the odd thing is that FTP continues to function, which I don't think was the case with the original unit.

The FTP is a bit sluggish, in that it is slow to start a transfer, but once started it transfers at the expected speed.

Wonder if Peteru has any thoughts on this?
IceTV EPG Content / Simpsons repeat status
August 07, 2006, 10:48:53 AM
The guide currently has the 7PM Simpsons on Tuesday 8/8 as a repeat, which it is not, and has the Friday 7PM Simpsons as a new episode, but it is in fact a repeat (both confirmed on TENs website).

A minor detail, but it governs whether my Topfield will record an ep, or not.