Unable to remove or change Grey's Anatomy

Started by gleff, February 07, 2009, 11:55:23 PM

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For some reason in my IceTV Interactive on the web, I have one program 'Grey's Anatomy' that I have set up as a Keyword record.  No matter what I do, I can't seem to remove it.  On all my other keyword records, if I click on the name, it expands and I can 'Delete' Keyword.  I now have Grey's Anatomy 3 times in the list, and none of them expand so I can't seem to delete the keyword. 

Any idea how to fix this?  I'm just wondering if it's broken because it has an apostophe in the name.


Same here, I just set it up and have the same problem.
It could be because it has an ' in the name Grey's and Ice does not like it.
Just tried Murphy's Law as a test, same thing, cannot edit it etc due to the ' character


I hope it can be fixed.. I don't know how long I'll be interested in watching Grey's Anatomy LOL.

Russell at IceTV

Hi guys,

This should be fixed now.  Thanks for reporting it!



Awesome.. works great now... thanks for that.
