Oprah in Melbourne

Started by csutak40, November 12, 2010, 02:02:18 PM

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I have been actually surprised, given all the publicity of her coming here on a visit and it being her last year of the show, that they are showing repeats of the Oprah show instead of the new ones.  Today, I happened to be channel hopping and there is Oprah, interviewing the Jackson children.  I checked the program and it says "Tom Cruise returns...." Repeat.

Is today a oncer, or have they been showing new shows for a while now, IceTV not noticing?
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Madeleine IceGuide


As far as we know, new episodes of Oprah are supposed to start on Monday November 22. Yesterday was definitely a repeat episode. However, it does look like there was a late change of eps today that we missed. Apologies for that. It might be a one off or Ten might have decided to start showing new episodes sooner than the 22nd. Either way we will keep a close eye on next week.



On Tuesday 7.30, the Oprah special will run 90 minutes.  Well, it is actually two shows, 30 minutes interview then her "Favourite Things" show.  They have been promoting it for days.
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