Skippa EPG Screenshot

Started by Leon K, May 25, 2015, 04:55:20 PM

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Leon K

Hey Guys,

Here is a screenshot of the Skippa EPG ..


It is a shame that the developers did not offer an alternate EPG (as per JustEPG layout).
It would also be a good selling point.
I find this standard EPG underwhelming.

A bit of effort into a custom EPG could allow users to:
  - group channels together on the one screen
  - set the number of channels per screen
  - set the font size
  - set font colour for repeats

On my Toppy I have 3 screens to cover all of the channels that have daily guides (I ignore those shopping channels etc)


I like that Dave, Is Just EPG just for Toppys or can it work on other PVR's?


Quote from: DaveD on June 21, 2015, 02:36:20 PM
It is a shame that the developers did not offer an alternate EPG (as per JustEPG layout).

:'( :'( :'(  Yeah, my JustEPG died along with TEDS uploading and I have no idea how to fix it and I miss it terribly  :'( :'( :'( :'(  (well, actually, it was JustEPG that died first, I killed TEDS trying to fix JustEPG)
Last Update Dec 9 2020; Beyonwiz V2, T2,


Yeah make that 4 votes for a customizable EPG without the bling so that more channels and shows can be seen on the one screen. Some may want flashy logos and preview panes etc but to me they just take up valuable screen space that could show me more EPG.


IceTV: IceBox + BYOB IceBox + 2xTRF-2400 + 2xTF7100HDPVRtPlus + SKIPPA [RIP] + T2 + U4 + V2
No IceTV: a few Toppys and T2
Synology NAS
Check out the oztoppy wiki and oztoppy Forum for Toppy help


As a long time proponent of JustEPG, I also strongly recommend it's style and functionality.

rfk - It's a Toppy only TAP that was written by Peter Gillespie for the 5000 series Toppy PVRs and ported/developed by others for the TMS series. My only issue with JustEPG is that it makes me disdainful towards all the other EPGs I've seen.


Thanks Paul. Not sure about purchasing a Toppy. Really after a 3 tuner PVR. Maybe Topfield might bring out a 3 tuner and with JustEPG it might just suit me perfectly.


Quote from: rfk on June 22, 2015, 04:21:57 PM
Thanks Paul. Not sure about purchasing a Toppy. Really after a 3 tuner PVR. Maybe Topfield might bring out a 3 tuner and with JustEPG it might just suit me perfectly.

About a year ago Topfield foreshadowed the release of a 4-Tuner running android. No mention was made of TAP support as I recollect.

IceTV: IceBox + BYOB IceBox + 2xTRF-2400 + 2xTF7100HDPVRtPlus + SKIPPA [RIP] + T2 + U4 + V2
No IceTV: a few Toppys and T2
Synology NAS
Check out the oztoppy wiki and oztoppy Forum for Toppy help


Hi rfk,
  Sorry I haven't repsonded earlie re: Topfield only for JustEPG.
  What Paul55 said  :D

  I do remember some of us (myself and IanL-S) suggesting this in the original ICEBox thread but I think it fell on deaf ears as no reply to whether they would or wouldn't was forthcoming.



With screen sizes so big these days I'd certainly like more than a four channels to view. I have my MC set to view fifteen channels which I can read when I have my glasses on  8)


Unfortunately, the EPG seems to be something that is not considered to be important. Most commercial EPG layouts have a sameness about them. I guess it's a way to avoid the effort of competition - if we all do it the same, none of us can lose.

Leon K

Hey Everyone,

IceTV is so simple and easy to use from the Phone App - the whole power of IceTV centers around setting recordings directly from the App EPG, or even better - building up your Series' under Manage Shows so that these shows are automatically discovered for you - and sent directly to the PVR, so that you don't ever have to use the EPG.

Relaxing on your couch, watching a show and having your IceTV App open in the palm of your hand you can easily see what's next / later on tonight. Why bother using the clunky PVR EPG? Surely the whole reason for using a PVR is for the recording functionality, meaning that most of the shows you will be watching will have been recorded (even if they only started 10 mins ago or you are time-shifting), you can then use the streamlined App to browse the EPG.. not having to pull up and disrupt the show you are presently watching with the on-screen EPG.

The phone app also gives you access to fast Searching, Recommendations, Most Popular etc.. and you can add Series / Keywords directly from it to continue to build up your List of Series, and Shows.


Quote from: Leon K on June 26, 2015, 01:44:13 PM
Hey Everyone,

IceTV is so simple and easy to use from the Phone App - the whole power of IceTV centers around setting recordings directly from the App EPG, or even better - building up your Series' under Manage Shows so that these shows are automatically discovered for you - and sent directly to the PVR, so that you don't ever have to use the EPG.


I agree with what you are saying WRT the functionality of IceTV. However, there are times when some users just want to see what's available now or coming up.
Like many users I rarely watch live TV other than news and live sport. But these are times when access to a superior EPG would be very nice. The only device I consider using for this is our Toppy because it has JustEPG.
Other users may just record some shows and watch a lot of live TV. For them, a great EPG would be a real boon. I don't think is is up to the PVR vendor to tell owners how they should use their devices - hints and suggestions are OK though.


Quote from: Leon K on June 26, 2015, 01:44:13 PM
Relaxing on your couch, watching a show and having your IceTV App open in the palm of your hand you can easily see what's next / later on tonight. Why bother using the clunky PVR EPG?

My phone is normally sitting on charge in another room when I'm home. I was hoping to being able to do more on the PVR. At the moment my workflow is to say to the wife, "Hey, remind me to set that to record".  Or I pause, walk up the hall and do it on the computer.

To be honest I don't really care what's on next because I haven't watched live TV for several years now.

But, my in laws use the guide when they visit.  And I'm not leaving them my phone when I'm out of the house :)