The Project

Started by BigMick, May 24, 2017, 09:09:54 PM

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Just wondering has anything changed in the guide for this show (channel 10) over the last week or two - have been having issues recording it and at one point it said it was a repeat from 2009 not sure if it got a bad show id? - That seemed to correct itself the next day, but I still keep missing the 6:30pm recordings for some reason despite deleting and re-adding the favourite in my pvr software several times - can you please check the show ids etc are all in order. There is a daily rerun of the same episode at 11:30 I believe.
Many thanks


Hi BigMick, whats your IceTV username so we can check the region EPG


Username is BigMick. Region is Newcastle I believe. Thanks for looking into it for me


Missed another recording of this yesterday... anything changing with this show in the guide?


Hi,  we have you as an XMLTV user with a media server.  Does that device (?) do incremental updates as our PVRs do?  We normally update every 15 minutes, but only download a change if there is one, not the whole EPG.  If not and shows get moved by the networks, as they do every day ad nauseam, you could have an episode set with an out-of-date time.


Hi again,

We've checked back and all the setting on the Project were correct for both regions broadcast in the Newcastle area, SC and TEN.  There were no changes made unless one was inserted at the last minute due to the London situation.


Hi,  one more question is what are you using as a recorder as your account only shows XMLTV products so we can't trace back into the recording instructions and error messages we get with our "normal" IceTV service to IceTV Enabled recorders.


Hi I'm using SageTV so I have to use the XMLTV plugin to upload the guide. Thanks for confirming nothing has changed recently on your end for that show - I'll have a look into it further at my end. My setup is generally extremely reliable and it's just this show I'm currently having problems with. The only time I've seen these sort of problems in the past is when the same show ID has been used in the guide as one that was used in the past - therefore the recorder doesn't record the show, believing it already has. The unusual thing was it recorded the night time repeat screening of the project, so perhaps I have another sort of conflict, I'll look into it some more. Thanks again, Mick