Timer Conflict

Started by Dazza, September 25, 2008, 06:49:17 PM

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Does anyone know how interactive handles timer conflicts?

I just notice that three programs (different channels) are scheduled for the same timeslot.

I will delete one, but I wanted to know what interactive will do since it can only set two timers.

When I used TEDS on my old Toppy 5000 there was a rating system, so the shows with the highest rating had preference.



I think somewhere in a FAQ it will mention something along the lines of "it is up to how your PVR deals with it", as ICE don't know if you have one, two or 4 tuners for example.

Beyonwiz DP-S1 & Topfield 5K (using PerlTGD to upload ICE EPG/timers for the 5K, normal ICE interactive for the Wiz).