Since yesterday - Nine HD inconsistent guide data ?

Started by rv73, April 10, 2008, 03:45:10 PM

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I have notice my Nine HD ( Brisbane) guide data is showing heaps of NO DATA.
Some program data is there, maybe 30% of it.
I added Network nine's copyright data on another channel (in large capital letters! ) and it is all there.

What is the problem please Ice ?

Daniel Hall at IceTV

This is actually how Nine HD (and all channels that do not have published policy for their HD channel) has always been.

It only lists the shows that are in native HD.

We are in the process of compiling the listings for the new Nine HD multi-channel now and expect to have this information in the guide shortly. This will provide full 24 hour listings for Nine HD.



Thanks for that. I am a little confused though.
I have been running IceTV guide for quite a while now, and the HD channels of 7, 9 and 10 have always, (mostly)  listed the full guide data. Granted they are just mirror listings of the SD channel.
But there hasn't been 'NO DATA', always just a repeat of the SD channel.

I know for certain that in Brisbane that the NineHD channel suddenly started showing 'NO DATA' where previousy it would have data.
In addition my normal and working NINE HD 'Sarah Connor Chronicles' was missed for the first time since it started because NO DATA suddenly showed up.
As mentioned the NINE HD copyrighted data showed up fine.

So this issue with NO DATA showing up, (even on HD shows) indicates a problem with IceTV, or at least a changed policy or something else that has changed.
I do notice now that ONLY the NINE HD shows appear ( although Sarah Connor didnt last week) , where the rest is NO DATA, but this is new development.

Daniel Hall at IceTV

You would have only ever seen full guide listings on 9HD in the past if you had "Copy SD to HD" ticked under the My Account section of the IceTV website.

No policy has changed in regard to this.

We are working on getting full listings up for 9HD now that it is multi-channeling and we hope to have this available shortly, until then 9HD will only lists shows that are in native HD as has always been the case.
