Labeling of Murdoch Mysteries in wron order

Started by Allan, November 19, 2020, 11:35:16 PM

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Murdoch Mysteries

The labelling of the two Murdoch shows tonight have been swapped ie they are listed
S13 E6
S13 E5 * (this one has the currently recording symbol next to it.

I believe this has been happening on previous weeks as we've been wondering why "ther cart was in front of the horse".

Thank you


Hello Allan

We have no explanation as to why they would run Ep 6 before Ep 5 and can only assume an error with the 72 programming team.  We can only suggest contacting 7 and asking why they are out of order.  They may not be aware of this error.

Kind regards
Lauren (Guide Team)
IceTV Guide Team