Missing recordings - timer log

Started by eafywan, May 28, 2017, 09:10:13 AM

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Thanks Peter, I have set the next one to record this coming Friday night. For me, it is on at 8:30pm on WIN HD. I am in the Toowoomba region and I set recordings from the smartphone app usually. I rarely use the web browser to set timers however this time I used it to set this upcoming episode to see if it makes a difference. I have also changed the ICE server contact time from 15 minutes to 12 hours to give me more time to check the timer logs on the T4.


OK, I've also set a single IceTV timer on The Graham Norton Show 20:30 Fri 23 Jun WIN HD. I'll see how it goes.

The timer was certainly set on the PVR initially.
Beyonwiz T4 in-use
Beyonwiz T2, T3, T4, U4 & V2 for testing


The one-off IceTV timer I set for The Graham Norton show Fri 20:30 WIN HD is still there.
Beyonwiz T4 in-use
Beyonwiz T2, T3, T4, U4 & V2 for testing


Mine too at this stage. With the update time set to 12 hours, I a have a couple of days worth of logs so if it goes missing again, we should see it in the log.


OK, timer is now gone and I am unable to add it. I checked the T4 ICE log and it shows that the timer was deleted. If I re-ad it, and then re-synchronise the timers manually, it doesn't add it. It disappears in the ICE TV app as well.

UPDATE: If I create the timer from the ICE guide in the T4, then look at the ICE TV my week, it is now showing that the timer is set and it also shows in the T4 ICE TV log that the timer was created successfully.


OK, there is definitely a random issue with adding single timers. I added about 5 or 6 Big Bang Theory timers this morning and now they are all gone. Not showing in the app or the T4.

Daniel Hall at IceTV

Hi eafywan,

I have turned on some additional logging on your account, please try a timer in the same manner and let me know which showing it was so I can check the back and forth on the IceTV server end.



Thanks Daniel, I have just tried to set 3 x Big Bang Theory. 25/6 7pm 7Flix, 7:30pm 7Flix, 26/6 8:45pm SC 9HD. I forced an update via the T4 and the only timer that has added is the 26/6 one. Hope that helps.

Daniel Hall at IceTV

I think I can see what is happening, testing a fix now.



My once-off timer on the Graham Norton show tonight is still there.
Beyonwiz T4 in-use
Beyonwiz T2, T3, T4, U4 & V2 for testing

Daniel Hall at IceTV




Quote from: prl on June 22, 2017, 05:18:27 PM
The one-off IceTV timer I set for The Graham Norton show Fri 20:30 WIN HD is still there.

For some reason, my single IceTV timer for The Graham Norton Show was deleted by IceTV at 05:31:58 this morning (Fri) -

   "message":"Will record on Beyonwiz T4",

Daniel Hall at IceTV

Hi Geoff,

We must apologise for this one, the issue has been fixed for all future one off timers, but it looks like some slipped through the cracks and didn't get re-scheduled after the fix was put in place.



Still having issues with this. After all this, the Graham Norton Show didn't record. I have set it to record tomorrow night instead so hopefully that works. The main issue I have now is that I am trying to add some more timers for Big Bang Theory and the timers don't get added at all. If I add it via the android app, it doesn't show a red circle at all. I have tried resending all timers to the PVR but still not setting. Trying via the website on PC shows a hollow red circle until the page refreshes and then gone again. The ones I am trying to add are the 2013 series episodes on Thursday the 29th on 7mate. There are 4 or 5 episodes all doing the same thing. Also the new episode "The Comic Con Conundrum" on Monday the 26th is showing as a hollow red circle however there is a timer set on the T4 for it.


I am have the same problems as EAFYWAN on my T2.
I can add single timers until I am blue in the face and only 1 or 2 get through.  They disappear from the app and the website.  This has been happening since the 22nd of this month.
It does not affect anything I have sent to my DP lite-i.
I have had to manually add timers to the T2 for 2 days now and I am not happy.  I rarely use my phone whilst out to do scheduling but of course I needed to on Thursday because I was not able to get home and it was a failure.  The annoying thing is seeing my manual timers upload to IceTV and appear in the app and website as if there is nothing wrong.
I have cleared timers, resent from IceTV, rebooted all devices and even restarted the network just in case.  It does not work.