Beta testers access ending

Started by pvogel, March 30, 2005, 06:00:39 PM

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The new IceTV website and online store are now live:

The "beta" username will be shut down in the next few days.

We will be issuing a limited number of 12 month free subscriptions to the beta-test group for ongoing use.

If you wish to continue being a beta-tester, please request your own username/password by emailing stating the application you are running and geographical area, as we will make our selection of beta-test freebies based on a representative spread.

Best regards

Peter Vogel

Russell at IceTV

The beta test program is now closed. Thanks very much to all those that helped test the guide on various PVRs. We hope to see you all here as IceTV customers, and to continue to get your great feedback on improvements we can make in the future.
